The nursing aide training courses that are shown on this page are all the available courses in Kaufman, Texas as of the making of this post. For any questions you may have, do not hesitate to call the school number below.
Trinity Valley Community College
800 Hwy 243 West,
Kaufman, TX 75142
(972) 932-4300
Sunflower Park Healthcare
1803 East Hwy 243,
Kaufman, TX 75142
(972) 932-7776
To become a nursing assistant in the state of Texas you must meet their course requirements and pass the state license exams. You are allowed to work when you are involved in a training program that is coordinated by an experienced registered nurse. You will not be able to work for for than four months in this state if you do not have a CNA certification. With the different programs available, you can get your certification only within a few months time.
Before enrolling you must check that the program you are considering is licensed by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. Approved classes will meet state and federal standards and make you eligible to take the competency exams to get your certification. When you join a program you will receive two types of instruction, these are classroom coursework/lectures, and hands-on skills practice.
Your skills training will enable you to practice the day-to-day tasks you will need to utilized while employed as a nursing assistant. Some of the skills you will be taught include: checking vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, temperature, respiration,) catheter management, range of motion exercises, transporting residents, nourishment/feeding, bathing, toileting, dressing, infection control, safety procedures, observation skills, and assisting to ambulate.
You are allowed 24 months to take the license exams from the time you take your nurse aide training course. You can have your school help you schedule a time and a location. Alternatively, you can contact (NACES) the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services to help you find a test site at 1-800-444-5178 or their local phone number (512) 467-0615. When you arrive to take your test you will notice it is split into two parts a demonstration and a written part. You must pass both portions in three tries each in order to get your certification. The written test consists of 70 questions, while the demonstration test has you go through five different skills in a live real life demonstration. After you have taken the tests you can check the status it by calling the automated phone line at 1-800-452-3934.
The city of Kaufman is the seat of government for Kaufman County. As of the latest census taken there, their total population had reached up to a total of 6,703 residents. It has a total area of approximately 6.8 sq miles, where the water area there is less than 1 square mile. The last estimated population density of the city was 977.9/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers and centers that are located within the city area include Rust Sherri P DR LPC, St Luke’s Health Ministry, Fresenius Medical Care, STD Test Express, Kaufman Community Medical Center, Lone Star Pediatrics, Department of State Health Services, and Kaufman Health Care Center. photo attribution: codnewsroom