You can find all of the nurse aide programs available for enrollment in Farmington Illinois, listed here. The schools posted here are composed of all of the high schools, colleges, community colleges, health care centers and training centers that are offering training at this time. Call the facility to get up to date details about joining their classes, tuition rates, and instruction curriculum.
Spoon River Home Health Care
332 East 4th Street,
Farmington, IL 61531
(309) 228-4269
One of the most common ways to become a nursing assistant is by enrolling first in a certified nursing assistant program. These programs are offered by different institutions like community training centers, and even high schools. Illinois requires that its CNAs must be at least 16 years old and are physically capable of handling different patients. You can find that these programs are located at different locations throughout the state.
To make certain that you will be allowed to take the exams, you need to enroll in a program that is approved by the state. These programs are required to offer a minimum of 40 hours of clinical training, which will already include the necessary course work. Your training will be composed of lessons on the different nursing concepts and skills training. That is why you it will take an average of 2 to 6 months to complete your training.
Once you are through with your training, the next step would be to apply for the exams. You will need to send in your application forms, which can be downloaded at One of the most important requirements to have when applying is the results for both the state and federal background checks. You will not be allowed to proceed if you fail these checks. In addition you will need ID photo, fingerprint cards, class transcripts, and exam fees. For those who have received certification training outside of the state of Illinois you may qualify to take the exams by applying for reciprocity.
This city is in the northeastern corner of Fulton County. You can find this city situated north of both Canton and Lewistown. It is west of Bloomington and Peoria, and a few miles east from Galesburg and Macomb. Farmington is included in the Canton Micropolitan Area. According to the last census, their total population was around 2,601 people. It has a total area of approximately 1.2 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 2,095.1 per square mile.
Health care providers that are in Farmington, IL include Baylor Mark MD, Coleman Clinic, McMillin Matthew, Skaggs Kathy S, Morse James, Graham Medical Group, Methodist Medical Group At Farmington, Murthy Dental Clinic, Mahr, Joy – Graham Medical Group, Midwest Family Chiropractic, and a few more. photo attribution: usdagov