Training facilities that are offering programs in Mount Vernon, Illinois are all the certified nursing assistant classes that you can enroll in as of the making of this post. For more information about joining one of the programs that are open for enrollment, just call the school phone number provided below.
Mt. Vernon Township High School
320 South 7th Street,
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
(618) 244-3700
To be able to work in this state as a nursing assistant, your name must be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. One way for you to do that is by passing the nursing aide competency exams. Before you are allowed to take the exams, you have to meet the different prerequisites. Two of the most important requirements that you have to comply with are the completion of a state-approved CNA classes and passing the background checks. The background checks for criminal records will be done at federal and state levels. Without the two, you will not be allowed to take the exams.
You have the option of enrolling in any training program you chose so long if it is approved by the state. You can find these programs offered by different educational facilities across the entire state. Examples of such institutions include colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers. According to the state rules, you must be at least 16 years old to be a nursing assistant. Those who took up nursing courses are also allowed to take the exams if they covered the necessary basics and had at least 40 hours of training.
Taking the certification test is possible once you’ve completed a state approved program and submit an application and the necessary information. In the state of Illinois you can retake the exam 3 times in case you might fail. After the third try however, you will be required to take a refresher course before they allow you to retake the license exam again. Nurse aides from other states are only allowed to work in Illinois if they apply for reciprocity. When applying, they must have a good relationship with their state and a valid license. Those who are applying must also be able to pass the background checks. Having records such as negligence or patient abuse can greatly affect their application.
This city can be found in Jefferson County. It is located near the center of the county. Mount Vernon is a part of the Mount Vernon Micropolitan Statistical Area. It is situated just between Casey Creek and Big Muddy River. You can find Rend Lake just south of this area. This city was founded by Zadok Casey back in 1817. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 15,277 people. It has a total area of approximately 11.6 square miles, where 0.1 square mile of it is water.
Health care providers that you can find serving this city include Skin Care Center of Southern Illinois LLC, Jacques Papazian MD, Neuromuscular Orthopaedic Institute, Orthopaedic Center Of Southern Illinois, Mount Vernon Neurology, Mt Vernon Heart Institute, Surgical Associates Of Mt Vernon Ltd, Asbery & Associates OB-GYN LLC, Care First Medical Center, Inc., and many more. photo attribution: murraystateuniversity