The nursing assistant school facilities that are currently offering programs in Moorhead that are approved by the state of Mississippi are found on the list below. Enrollees will gain insight into caring for patients and be able to practice skills in a medical setting. Call to speak with an administrator to learn how to enroll.
Mississippi Delta Community College
Mailing address: P.O. Box 668, Moorhead, MS 38761
School location: 289 Cherry street Moorhead, MS 38761
(662) 246-6432
The first thing that you need to do if you want to become a nursing assistant is to look for a state-approved training program. It is very important that before you handle any patients you get proper training and education. Nursing assistant training consists of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.
According to the state regulation, these programs are required to offer no less than 130 hours of training to their students. It will take approximately 6 weeks to complete the program. Examples of the concepts and skills that they teach in these programs include infection control, mental health, rehabilitation, the patient’s rights, and assisting in their daily activities such as bathing or toileting.
Completing a training program is a requirement to be able to apply for the license exams. By passing the license exams, you will gain entry into the Nurse Aide Registry and be allowed to work in a long-term care center. The license exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation that are taken on the same day. For those that have difficulty in reading English, they also offer oral exams instead of a written exam.
After completing the exams, the individual can immediately file his application. If longer time is needed, every individual is given a total of 2 years to file. For those that have already started working in a nursing facility, they will only have 4 months to take the exams from the start of their work.
The state of MS also allows for those who are certified in another state to come here and work by applying for reciprocity. In order to be qualified applicants will need to pass the competency exam in one try. This process is granted by approval only and one will need to pay a $26 reciprocity fee as well as the testing fee of $101. Those who were previously certified but failed to renew may also be allowed to use this procedure. You can call the Mississippi State Department of Health at their phone number of 601-364-1100 for more details.
The City of Moorhead is a part of sunflower County. According the U.S. Census Bureau, Moorhead has a total of 1.3 square miles (3.4 of area, of which only a small percentage of it is water. You can find this city situated at the crossing of the Southern and Yazoo Delta railroads. The last census showed that the total population of the city was estimated to be 2,573 people. photo attribution: collegedegrees360