The college courses that are providing nursing assistant training located in Moline, Illinois that are shown on this page are all that are currently available. Call the school phone number to get information about enrolling in their training program, class schedules, and tuition rates.
Black Hawk College
6600 34th Ave.,
Moline, IL 61265
(309) 796-2484
Getting a nursing assistant license can be one of the best decisions you can make for your career. Becoming a nursing aide in Illinois is one of the best ways to start a career in the medical field. One benefit of choosing this career over others is that its training does not cost that much nor does it take that long, To complete a program, you must have a total of 40 hour of training, which will already include the needed course work. These programs are offered by high schools, community training center, and technical colleges. Depending on the program you choose, you can complete your training within 6 months.
After your training, the next step would be to apply for the licensee exams. One important requirement when applying is being able to pass the federal and state background checks for criminal records. Without this, you will not be able to proceed and take the exams. The license exams for this state have two parts, a written and a skills demonstration exam. You must be able to pass all the tests to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. In the state of Illinois is that your license will not expire if you have been working within 2 consecutive years.
If you are a RN from the state, you can work as a CNA even if your name is not in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, provided that you still have an active RN license. Certified nurse aides from other states may work in Illinois by applying for reciprocity. When they apply, their license should still be valid and that they must also have a good relationship with the state they come from.
This city is a part of Rock Island County. It is considered as of the Quad Cities there. With a total population of 43,768 during the 2010 census, it is the ninth most populous city that is not included in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Out of all the Quad Cities, Moline is considered as the largest among them. It has a total area of approximately 15.8 sq. miles, where 0.22 square miles of it is water. It has a population density of 2,751.0/sq. mile.
The United Healthcare is one of the largest employers that you can find in the city. Other health care providers that are in the city include Genesis Occupational Health, Urological Group Ltd, Jack Chiropractic, Genesis Integrative Wellness Center, Genesis Occupational Health, Deere Road Chiropractic Ltd, Advanced Dermatology & Laser Center, and Indigo Creative Approach to Fitness & Wellness LLC. photo attribution: codnewsroom