Certified nursing aide programs that are currently open for enrollment in Lusk, Wyoming are listed in detail below. The schools listed on this page are all certified by the state’s Board of Nursing to offer this type of training.
Eastern Wyoming College
921 Ballanncee
P.O. Box 780
Lusk, WY
Contact Details:
Eastern Wyoming College
3200 West C Street,
Torrington, WY 82240
(307) 532-8247
Fax: (307) 532-8229
Email: gwendolyn.yung@ewc.wy.edu
Training to become a CNA in Wyoming is a wonderful way to start a career as a health care worker. This training is much quicker and affordable that other courses such as nursing. It is a way for one to enter this line of work without spending too much time and money in meeting the training and testing requirements.
To become a nursing assistant in this state you must successfully complete one of the training programs that are mentioned above, or any program that’s approved by the Board of Nursing. You’ll also be required to pass the competency exams within 12 months after completing your training program. Although the time frame for getting a certification varies by state and by person, most candidates do get certified within 4 to 6 months after completing training.
Nursing assistant training is divided into two parts which are theoretical course work and supervised practical training. Both parts are taught at the same time as soon as the students spend 16 hours learning the basic nursing concepts and skills. The state requires that all programs must offer no less than 105 hours of instructions, of which 75 hours must be allocated for lectures and 16 hours for hands-on training. It usually takes around 3 to 4 months to complete a program, depending which one you choose.
If you already work in a health care facility, you will only have 120 days to pass the CNA exams and get certified. The state only allows an noncertified nursing assistant to work for up to 120 days or 4 months. If you are currently unemployed, then you have 12 months after completing your training to pass.
The CNA competency exams are composed of two parts – a multiple-choice knowledge test and a random skills evaluation. The knowledge test may be taken as a written or oral examination. Applicants must pass both tests to get placed on the Nurse Aide Registry. If you wish to find out more, please download a copy of the CNA Candidate Handbook by clicking on this link: http://www.asisvcs.com/publications/pdf/075100.pdf.
Certifications are valid for only up to two years. All certifications in this state expire on the last day of December of every even year. This means that if you got certified on an even year, you’ll need to renew your certification at the end of the year to remain eligible to work in a federal nursing facility. You’ll need to complete this form and follow its instructions: https://nursing-online.state.wy.us/Resources/CNA%20Renewal%20Requirements.pdf.
Part of the requirements for renewal is to work in a health care facility as a paid nursing assistant for at least 16 hours. Although your certification allows you to work anywhere in the state, why don’t you work in Lusk, Wyoming.
Lusk is a town that’s located in the eastern part of Wyoming. It is currently the seat of Niobrara County. Founded back in 1886 by Frank S. Lusk; the town has a total area of only 2.07 square miles. According to the 2012 census, the total population of the town grew to around 1,557 people. Though, it might be a small town, there are still places where a CNA could work such as the Rawhide Rural Health Clinic. photo attribution: tamuc