The town of Low Moor, Virginia has the following certified nursing assistant programs active at this time. If you have any questions about the classes being offered, feel free to call the health care facility number provided below.
Kissito Health Care
100 Alleghany Regional Hospital Lane
Low Moor, VA 24457
(540) 265-0322
Getting the proper training is an important step in becoming a nursing aide. One of the best ways that you can learn how to become a nursing assistant is by enrolling in a state-certified CNA program. All programs are approved and monitored by the Virginia Board of Nursing to ensure that aspiring candidates will receive proper training and education.
Approved programs consist of a minimum of 75 hours. The training curriculum is divided into theory and practical training. Each program is required by the state to be headed by an instructor who is a registered nurse with at least 2 years of nursing experience. Most programs in the state can be completed in an average of 4 months.
Completing an approved training program is also a requirement to establish eligibility for the Nurse Aide Assessment Program examination. You can also become qualified if you successfully complete at least one semester of nursing school as either a nursing student or graduate. Taking the NNAAP exam is the final step in becoming a CNA. It consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. If you pass both tests, then your name will be added to the Nurse Aide Registry.
The NNAAP exam in Virginia is conducted with the help of Pearson VUE. If you visit their website at you can download a copy of the Candidate Handbook which can help you get a better understanding of the certification process. The handbook also contains a sample written knowledge test that you can try out to get an idea what the questions will be like.
Once your name is on the Registry you will be allowed to work in any health care facility for one year. To keep your eligibility, you must renew your certification before it expires. You will need to meet the state’s working hour requirements to qualify for renewal. After your initial renewal your certification will become valid for 2 years.
A notice is sent out by the Board of Nursing to remind holders of their certification’s expiration date. Even without the renewal it is still the holders’ responsibility to renew their certification on time. No CNA is allowed to continue working with an expired certification.
This is a census-designated place that you can find in Alleghany County. It has a total area of approximately 0.8 sq miles, where all of it is land. According to the latest census taken there, their total population was around 367 people. It has a population density of about 450.4/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can avail within the city include Jackson River Orthopedics PC, Emmett Medical And Surgical Clinic, Jackson River Internists, Alleghany Regional Hospital, Jackson River Surgical Specialists, Alleghany Regional Hospital – Physician Referral/Consult A Nurse, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom