You can find on this page the most recent certified nursing assistant training programs that are available for you to enroll in within Liberty, MS. The instruction courses listed below are all approved by the state of Mississippi’s Nurse Aide Registry and offers certification exam preparation.
Liberty Community Living Center
323 Industrial Park Drive,
Liberty, MS 39645
(601) 657-1000
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant in this state is to enroll in a training program that is approved by the state. The program must be approved for you to be able to take the license exams afterwards. Passing the license exams is the only way for you to get your name on the Nursing Assistant Registry and to receive your license.
To be accepted in a program, you must be at least 18 years old. You will also need to provide proof that you are physically capable of handling patients such as your immunization records, TB test results, and physical examination results. You will also need to pass the background checks for criminal records to be accepted in a program. The programs in the state of Mississippi last 6 weeks to complete. To graduate from the program, you must meet the total 130 hours of classroom instructions and clinical duties.
After completing your training, you will then be able to apply for the license exams. You will need to submit proof of your training, your background check results, and the payment for the test fees. The license exams for this state are handled by Pearson Vue, their exams are composed of a written/oral exam and a skills evaluation on the basic nursing skills. You must be able to pass all the tests to get your license. You can call toll free at 1-888-204-6213 to speak with a representative of Pearson Vue to learn more about the current requirements to qualify for the examination.
Liberty is a town located in Amite County, which also serves as its County seat. During the 2000 census, their total population was estimated to be 633. This small town only has a total area of 2.07 sq miles, where only 0.01 square mile of it is water.
Because of the small population of the town, you cannot find that may healthcare centers located in the area. An example of a major healthcare provider for this town is the Southwest MS Mental Health. It is located at 315 Main St. If you want to contact them, you may do so by dialing (601) 657-4354. photo attribution: iubmedicalsciences