Nurse aide training instruction in Leonardtown, Maryland that is currently open for enrollment as of the making of this page is all listed below. Included in the list are all certification programs that are approved by the state of Maryland. Call the phone number of the school listed below to get more details about class schedules, tuition costs and school curriculum.
Dr. James A. Forrest Career & Tech St. Mary’s County Tech School
24005 Point Lookout Road
Leonardtown, MD 20650
(301) 475-0242
Completing a nursing assistant class that is approved by the state is one of the first requirements before you can work legally as a nursing assistant. You must have at least 100 hours’ worth of lectures on the basics and clinical experience. Most of these programs will take from 2 to 6 months to finish. After you have met the school requirement you will need to submit a form, complete a background screening and send in a small certificate fee to qualify for the exams. Those who pass become certified for a period of 24 months.
A Geriatric nursing assistant certification is required if you want to work in a certified comprehensive care facility. Since this is an advance certification, you will need to become a CNA first before you will be able to apply for the GNA Registry. In this state, the nurse aide registry and the Geriatric registry have been merged. If you want to validate a certification, from either of them, you may do so by visiting the same site or call (410) 585-1994.
In order to become a GNA, you will also need to undergo a small course as well as pass both the written and the skills demonstration exam. The exams are offered by the MDGNATS through the Susquehanna Red Cross. It will be the Red Cross that will inform the Board if you have passed the examination. In turn, it will then be the Board that will issue your certification. A new certification that has your GNA initials will not be released by the Board up until your next renewal of your CNA license. Advance certifications will also last for only up to two years and have the same date as your original license. For advance certificates, this may be less for initial certification.
This town is the county seat of St. Mary’s County. It was established in the 1660s and was originally named as Seymour Town. Its old name was taken from the governor at the time named John Seymour. Its current name on the other hand was taken from Benedict Leonard Calvert, who was also a governor during his time. According to the last census, that was taken, their total population was at 1,896 people. Its population density is estimated to be around 611.0/sq mile. Leonardtown has a total area of approximately 3.1 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Rehabilitation Center of Southern Maryland, Center for Children, St Mary’s Hospital – Behavioral Health, Be-Lite Horizon Medical Center, Summit Clinical Services, Greater Baden Medical Services, NovaCare Rehabilitation, Chespeake Family Healthcare, Southern Maryland Women’s Health Care PA, Operational Psychology Solutio, and many more. photo attribution: dougtone