The nursing assistant schools in Leesburg, Florida that you can find on this page offer the most up to date state licensed programs that are open for enrollment. Call their phone number listed here, to get details about cost of classes, curriculum, and schedules.
Career Training Institute Nurse Aide Course
101 West Main Street,
Leesburg, Florida 34748
(904) 326-5134
Lake Sumter Community College
9501 US Highway 441,
Leesburg, FL 34788
(352) 365-3516
Before you are allowed to handle the patients, you must first receive the proper education and training. You must then pass the competency exams in order to prove that you are truly capable of taking care of them. You can get your training from a CNA training course that is being offered by colleges, healthcare institutions, and community training centers. Depending on the program, it will take you about 6 months to complete your training, since you will need at least 75 hours of classes and 100 hours of skills training. You will also experience what it is really like to work in an actual clinical area. While you are there, you will be under the supervision of a registered nurse or a trained healthcare team member.
If you are already holder of a certification license that was issued from a different state, you will no longer be required to take Florida’s exams when you apply for reciprocity. When you apply, you should still have an active license status. You will be asked to provide proof of your training and experience by submitting a copy of your certification/license, your exam results, and the results for the background checks. Having records such as negligence, patient abuse, and malpractice can be cause for the rejection of your application.
This city is situated in Lake County. You can find it in between Florida and Lake Harris. It is also included in the Orlando–Kissimmee Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2005, their total population had reached up to 19,086 people. It has a population density of 651.3/sq mile. Its total area is approximately 24.5 sq mile.
Health care centers and providers that are found within the city include Neurosurgical And Spinal Institute, Narain Bindoo MD, Lake Urology Clinic, Eyecare Center of Leesburg, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Haven of Lake & Sumter Counties Inc., G & G Treatment Center, Chapman Health Group, and many more. photo attribution: sjuadmissions