The certified nursing assistant training schools that are open for enrollment in Lebanon, Indiana are listed here. These are all the classes that are currently state approved and available in this city. If you are wondering about their program schedules, tuition fees, enrollment dates, or other matters, just call the number of the facility.
Health Care Training Center
111 South Meridian,
Lebanon, IN 46052
(765) 482-7325
Hickory Creek
1585 Perry Worth Road,
Lebanon, IN 46052
(765) 482-6391
There is a steady increase in the demand for nursing aides almost everywhere in the country. One of the major reasons for this is the increase in number of people who are more concerned about their health. This is probably the best time for you to consider becoming a nursing aide. Compared to other courses, you can become a nursing aide in a matter of a few weeks of continuous training.
These programs are found all over the state and are offered by different institutions. Examples of such include technical and community colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers such as nursing homes. It is important that when you complete your training, you will have a total of 105 hours of training time, which will include no less than 75 hours of clinical duties. Most approved programs will take you about 2 months or more, depending on the schedule of classes.
After your training, the next step is to apply for the license exams. You will need to ask for a CNA Final Examinations Application form from your training center. Once you complete it, you can then send it to the board. One of the most important requirements when applying is being able to pass the background checks. You must not have any records of abuse, negligence, or theft. You will not be allowed to proceed if you fail the background checks.
Lebanon is the county seat of Boone County. This city is situated in the central part of the state and a few miles northwest of Indianapolis. Lebanon has a motto of The Friendly City. According to the census of 2010, their total population was estimated to be around 15,792 people. Its last known population density is estimated to be 1,952.9/sq mile. The total area of the city of Lebanon is approximately 15.57 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
Health care centers that you can find serving this city include Witham Health Services Lebanon Campus Numbers, Transitions Senior Behavioral Health Care Unit, Business Health Solutions, Mohc Lebanon Clinic, Mental Health In Boone County, American Health Network Inc., Audiology/Hearing At Witham Health Services, Aspire Indiana, Cummins Behavioral Health Systems, Inc., and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom