The health care facility, and college courses in Lawrenceburg, Indiana shown below offer the most recent nursing assistant training classes that are open for enrollment. For more information, please call a program listed here.
Dearborn County Hospital Subacute Unit
600 Wilson Creek Road,
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-8432
Pine Knoll Assisted Living Center
607 Wilson Creek Road,
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-4422
Woodland Hills Care Center
403 Bielby Road,
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-1132
The completion of a nursing assistant program is one of the most important steps in becoming a nursing assistant. To ensure that you are going to receive proper training and education, you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. These programs are found all over Indiana and are being offered by different institutions. Most of the training programs that are available in the area can be completed within a few months or weeks. As a nursing assistant student, you will be spending most of your time in lectures and skills training before you will be allowed to proceed for your clinical rotations. You will be taught different concepts such as infection control, mental health, communications techniques, and other subjects of the Fundamentals of Nursing. You will also be trained on the basic nursing skills such as vital signs taking, help maintain hygiene, and assist in the different daily activities of a the patient.
If you are able to graduate from a state-approved program, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. The exams will be composed of an a written competency portion, and a practical skills portion. Taking this exam is a necessary process since you will not be allowed to work if you do not pass all the tests. Those who acquired enough credits in nursing subjects and had met the required number of training hours may also apply. For more information, you can follow this link:
Lawrenceburg is the county seat of Dearborn County. It is situated on the southeastern portion of the state and is on the Ohio River. It is also located west of Cincinnati. The city has a total population of 5,042 people during the 2010 census. Its population density was estimated to be 956.1/sq mile. The city has a total area of about 5.21 sq miles, where almost 0.3 square miles of it is water.
Health care facilities that you can find in Lawrenceburg, IN include Partners In Health, Center For Women & Children, Neurology & Neuro Diagnostic Clinic, Southeastern Indiana Cancer Health Network Inc., WIC-Women Infant Children Nutrition Program, Interim Healthcare of Southeastern Indiana Inc., Summit Medical Group, and Lawrenceburg Dialysis. photo attribution: codnewsroom