All of the current nursing assistant schools enrolling students in Lake Charles, Louisiana are listed on this page. If you know of other LA Registry approved license programs that are being offered, please contact us and we will add them to this page.
Sowela Technical Community College
3820 J Bennett Johnston Ave., PO Box 16950,
Lake Charles, LA 70616
(337) 491-2698
You need to finish a state approved CNA training program first before you will be able to work in the state of Louisiana. The training lasts for a few weeks and generally costs only a few hundred dollars. The training will provide you with the skills and knowledge that will help you efficiently do the work of a nurses aide. You will be eligible to take the state competency exam after finishing the course which will give you a certification and place you on the registry. The certification is vital to becoming listed on the registry with an active status and being eligible to be employed as a CNA in the state.
Due to the high demand of nursing assistants, more and more states are offering those who are certified in other state the chance to apply for reciprocity. Reciprocity will allow one nursing assistant to transfer and work in a different state. For those who wish to work in Louisiana, they will have to apply for it first by completing the reciprocity form and meeting other requirements. You can find the forms at Once you have that, you then encircle the state where you are currently in, on the form. Afterwards, you will need to attach the copy off the Listing of State Registries in order to complete the reciprocity form. On the second form, there will be a set of instructions; all you have to do is to follow them to complete your application. For the nursing assistants in Louisiana who wish to transfer to a different state, they will be required to contact the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Once they get the contact number, they will have to ask for that state’s requirements and policies.
This city is a part of Calcasieu Parish. You can find this city on Prien Lake, Lake Charles and Calcasieu River. Lake Charles is also known as The Lake Area to some. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 71,993 people. They are the 5th biggest city in the state of Louisiana. It has an estimated population density of 1,700/sq mile. The total area of this city is approximately 42.5 sq miles, where 2.4 square miles of it is water. Major roads that you can use to get to this city are Interstates 10, 210, Highways 90 and 171.
There are five hospitals that is servivng this city. They are Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, Christus St. Patrick Hospital, W. O. Moss Regional Hospital, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital for Women, and Women and Children’s Hospital. Other health care centers that are serving this city include Massage Clinique, Audibel Hearing Health Care, Lake Charles Clinical Trials, Rehab Services of Arcadia, and many more. photo attribution: officiallouisiana