Education centers in La Plata, Maryland that are shown on this page are all the certified nurse aide classes that are open as of the making of this post. For any inquiries about class curriculum, certification requirements, program schedules or tuition rates, please call the phone number provided below.
Genesis Eldercare
One Magnolia Drive, La Plata, MD 20646
College of Southern Maryland
8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata, MD 20646
(301) 934-2251
Charles County Nursing & Rehab Ctr.
10200 La Plata Road, La Plata, MD 20646
(301) 934-1900
Being a nursing assistant is one of the best ways for one to enter the medical field. The requirements are simple to complete and it can be a stepping stone for much higher degrees. Most training programs that are approved by the state take only from 2 up to 6 months to finish. State approve CNA classes are required to provide at the minimum 100 hours of instruction including both hands-on experience in a medical setting and classroom course work.
After you meet the school requirement you can submit an application, certification fee, and consent to a background check to be eligible to take the license exams. The MD Board of Nursing oversees the registry that will include you once you pass the exam and become licensed. You will then need to renew your license every 24 months. To learn more you can call a BOD representative at 410-585-1990.
CNA certifications, as well as advance certifications like Dialysis Technician certifications need to be renewed every other year. The state has allowed you to renew your license either 60 days before or 30 days after its expiration date. The expiration date for the licenses in this state fall on the 28th day of the holder’s birth month. One method of renewal is via online. When renewing online, there are several things that you will need to remember like you cannot pay the renewal fee online and then send the application forms to the Board later on. Also, when you choose to renew through the mail, you will need to send a money order along with your application forms.
When you are renewing online, you must:
1. Fill-out all of the data fields on the site.
2. You can either pay using your MasterCard or Visa credit card
3. If you are a MedTech, you will be required to take the online Clinical Update course.
4. For the final approval process, all RNs must log in to the system.
This town is the county seat of Charles County. The name of the town was given by Colonel Samuel Chapman, whose family owned acres of land in the southern part of the state. The name of the town was taken from the La Plata River that is in Argentina. The town was founded back in 1895. According to the census of 2010, their total population was at 8,753 people. It has a total area of about 6.9 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be at 1,268.6/sq miles.
Health care centers that are situated within the town area include Physicians Memo, Bma Dialysis Clinic, Pediatric Health Care, Contemporary Services, Med-Surg Walk In Clinic, Genesis Healthcare, STD Test Express, Community Counseling Center – La Plata/Tn, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more.