The CNA training schools located in Elkhart, Indiana that are on this page are all the certification instruction courses that are open for enrollment. If you want to know more about what they offer, such as tuition fees, schedules, and certification requirements, then you can call the number below each program.
Elkhart Area Career Center Health Occupations
2424 California Road,
Elkhart, IN 46514
(574) 262-5650
Emergency Medical Solutions, LLC
3931 1/2 East Jackson Blvd.,
Elkhart, IN 46516
(574) 536-9128
Ivy Tech Community College – Elkhart County Campus
22531 County Road 18
Goshen IN, 46528
(574) 830-0375
There are a great number of people who are contemplating on how to become a certified nursing assistant in Indiana. It is not that hard to become one if you know what the requirements are. Among the several prerequisites, two of the most important are the completion of a state-approved CNA program and passing the background checks that are done at both federal and state levels. If you comply with these two and the other prerequisites, you will be allowed to apply and take the exams. Those who enrolled in nursing programs but have gathered enough nursing credits may also apply for the exams.
The nursing assistant license exams for this state are handled by the Ivy Tech Community College. Their exams are composed of a written and a return demonstration on selected nursing skills. The written exams are also sometimes replaced with an oral exam. You will need to pass all the tests if you wish to get your name entered in the state registry. The state of Indiana does not allow any nursing assistant to work in a nursing facility if his or her name is not in the registry. Once there, that status must be maintained in order to be eligible for work. Licenses in this state must be renewed every two years. To be eligible, the applicant must have worked for at least 8 hours with pay during that time. For more information you can contact the support desk at the Indiana State Department of Health Division of Long Term Care by calling (317) 233-1325.
Elkhart can be found in Elkhart County. Even though it has the same name of the county, it is not the county seat. The county seat of Elkhart County is Goshen, which is about 10 miles southeast from the city. Other nearby cities also includes Fort Wayne, Chicago, South Wayne and Indianapolis. This city is also known as The City with a Heart or the RV Capital of the World. According to the census of 2010, their total population was about 50,949 people. It has a total area of 24.42 sq miles and a population density of 2,429/sq mile.
Health care centers that are in the city include Heart City Health Center, Bayer Healthcare, U S Healthworks, Family & Children’s Center Counseling and Development, Healthcare Safety Systems, Home Health Services, Behavioral Healthcare of Northern Indiana, Regional Home Health Care, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom