The certified nursing assistant schools that are located in Dumas, Texas are all found on this page. For any questions about joining their training, you can call the number provided below.
Amarillo College CNA Training Program at Moore County Campus
1220 East 1st Street,
Dumas, TX 79029
(806) 934-7220
Memorial Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
224 East 2nd Street,
Dumas, TX 79029
(806) 935-6500
Enrolling in a certified nursing assistant training program that is approved by the state of Texas is one of their requirements to take the license exams. Class instruction will cover theoretical procedures in the classroom and provide hands-on training performing common nurse aide tasks in a medical environment. Some of the duties you will practice include: catheter care, housekeeping, infection control, safety protocols, transporting residents, feeding patients, toileting, range of motion exercises, measuring vital signs [such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiration], and communication skills.
When you have completed your school training and are ready to take the license exams your facility will usually set a date for you. However, if you need to find a testing location nearby you can contact (NACES) the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services at 1-800-444-5178. When you take the exam you will find it has two parts, a written test and a skills exam. Passing both portions within three tries is recquired to be placed on the nurse aide registry. Those who do not pass are required to retake the training portion. Once certified the nurse aide is eligible to work as a CNA for 24 months before renewal is necessary. You can check your registry status in Texas at anytime by calling 1-800-452-3934.
They will no longer require you to undergo their training if you are a nursing graduate or a medic that has been trained in the military. This also goes to same for those nursing assistants that received training but were not able to take the license exams.
The city of Dumas is the seat of government for Moore County. The city is located about 50 miles north of Amarillo. The city was name after its founder, Louis Dumas. According to the census of 2010, their total population was about 14,691 people. It has a population density of 2,660/sq miles. The total are of the city is estimated to be about 5.52 sq miles, where the vast majority of it is land.
Examples of the many health care providers and centers that are available to you in the city include CDT Services, Texas Panhandle Mhmr-Dumas Center, Dumas Family Practice, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Whitehead RN DR, Covington Family Medicine, JE Graham Professional Associates, Women’s Health Center, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom