In the town of Davenport, Washington you can find these nurse aide programs currently available for enrollment. To learn more about what the class offers students, and the steps required to receive certification, please call the facility listed here.
Lincoln Hospital
10 Nichols Street,
Davenport, WA 99122
(509) 725-7101
Getting proper training is the first step in becoming a nursing assistant. You need to learn how to meet the individual needs of your patients properly. A great way to learn how to become proficient using the skills need on the job is to enroll in a program. When you’re looking for a program in Washington, be sure to choose one that’s approved by the state’s Department of Social and Health Services.
Approved programs must offer at least 85 hours of training. These hours are divided into 35 hours of classroom instructions and 50 hours of practical training. Both theory and practical training are taught at the same time. During the entire training period students are handled by a CNA Instructor. Students are not allowed to perform any procedure that hasn’t been taken up in the classroom nor are they allowed to perform any procedure without the knowledge of their instructor.
After you complete your training, the next step is to take the state’s certification exam. This exam is divided into a written (or oral) exam and a skills evaluation exam. Candidates who want to take the oral exam for the knowledge test must make the request upon application. Requests made on the day of the exam cannot be accommodated by the testing facility.
If a candidate passes the certification exam, his name will be entered into the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Once his name is on the Registry, he can then contact the Washington State Department of Health and apply for a certification. An active certification is one of the main requirements to work as a CNA in Washington.
Certifications in this state are only valid for 1 year. All workers must renew their status every year to keep their eligibility to work in a state-approved testing facility. Holders will need to provide proof of employment as a paid nurse aide for at least 8 hours. No employee is allowed to continue working with an expired certification. For more information, you can check this link:
An expired or lapsed certification can only be reactivated by taking the competency exam immediately after it expires. If a candidate fails to renew his certification or fails to work for at least 3 years, then he will have to retrain and retest if he wants to work as a nurse aide again.
This city is situated in Lincoln County. It is also the county seat there. The first settlers came to the area around 1880. The town was named in 1882 after a resident named J.C. Davenport. According to the last census taken there, their total population was around 1,734 people. It has a total area of approximately 1.5 sq miles, and has a population density of 1,156.0/sq mile.
Health care providers whose services you can avail include North Basin Medical Clinic, Inland Northwest Health Services, Northeast Washington Alliance Counseling Services, Lincoln Hospital MD, Davenport Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: usdol