The nursing assistant programs in Culpeper, Virginia that are shown on this page offer the latest active state recognized courses offered by schools right now. Call one of the institutions to get more information about enrolling in training, cost of tuition, and program requirements.
Germanna Community College – Nurse Aide Program
(540) 891-3000
Virginia is one of the best places to train as a nursing assistant. There are various training programs that are offered by different health care institutions and schools. Since the demand for CNAs is high there will be no problems looking for work once you get certified.
Like all other certification process, it will always start by enrolling in a state-approved CNA program. The State’s Board of Nursing is responsible for monitoring all nursing assistant programs that are offered in Virginia. The Board requires approved programs to offer at least 75 hours of training. The training hours are divided into theory and supervised clinical practice under a qualified clinical instructor. Students are taught about important concepts like infection control, basic nursing skills, personal care, patients’ rights and independence, safety and emergency procedures that include the Heimlich maneuver, and many more.
The next step is applying for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination. The NNAAP exam consists of two parts – a 70 item written test and a skills evaluation exam. Candidates who have trouble reading English can request for the oral version of the written exam. Candidates who need some special accommodation when taking the test can also request for it. All requests must be made upon application. They cannot be accommodated if they are made on the day of the exam.
If you pass both tests within 3 attempts, then your name will be added to the Nurse Aide Registry. This Registry contains all the names of individuals who are allowed to work in a state-certified nursing facility in Virginia. Initial certification is only valid for a year after getting certified. Once you renew your certification you next renewal will be 2 years later.
Training and education as a nursing assistant does not stop once you’re in the NAR. You can still further your knowledge and skills as a nurse aide by enrolling and completing a CNA advance training course. Having an advanced certification will allow you to perform certain tasks and responsibilities that a basic certified nursing assistant cannot.
If you wish to be able to give certain medications to patients, then you might want to take the Medication Aide examination. Like the NNAAP exam, you must first complete a CMA training program before you can apply for their certification exam. The good news is that their exam only consists of a written test that is taken on the computer. For more information, please follow this link:
This town is situated within Culpeper County. It is the county seat of the said county. It is also a principal city of the Culpeper Micropolitan Statistical Area. This town and its county is considered to be a part of Northern Virginia. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 16,379 people. It has a total area of 6.8 sq miles and has a population density of 2,437.7/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find within the area include Culpeper Family Counseling Service, Virginia Foot and Ankle Surgical Association., Culpeper League of Therapist, Empowering Families Program, Hearing Health Care of VA, UVA Specialty Care Clinic, Culpeper League of Therapists, Meadows Emily, Culpeper Surgery Center, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom
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