Schools providing instruction in Cresaptown, Maryland that are listed here are all the certified nurse aide programs that you can enroll in right now. If you have any questions about their training classes, please call the school number provided on this page.
Center for Career & Tech Ed
14211 McMullen Highway
Cresaptown, MD 21502
(Classes are offered to high school students only)
Passing a nursing assistant training program is one of the best ways to enter the medical profession. Many nurses use these courses as a stepping stone as they proceed to higher degrees such as GNA and CMA. Nursing assistants are those who do basic and routine nursing tasks that were delegated to them by registered nurses. The first step to becoming one is to enroll in a state-approved program. These programs will offer a total of 100 hours of training, which will be composed of clinical duties, laboratory skills training, and classroom instructions. The training programs in the state of Maryland will last from 2-6 months.
By completing a state-approved program, the applicant will then be ready to take both the written and skills evaluation program. You can call the Maryland Geriatric Nursing Assistant Testing Service at 866-257-6470 to get the latest details about the examinations and testing location. The applicant will only be given a certification if he/she is able to get a 71.1% rating in the skills exam and an 81.9% rating for the written exams. The certifications issued by the Board of Nursing are valid for only up to two years. You will need to pay a $40.00 renewal fee each two years after the initial fee of $20 is paid to remain in good standing.
Once you become CNA, you will then be eligible to take the advance certifications. You can choose to become a GNA, a dialysis technician, or Home Health Aide or (HHA). Getting a GNA certification is a requirement for all those who want to work in a comprehensive care facility. For more information, you can go to the state’s Board of Nursing official site.
This is a community that is located in Allegany County. It is a unincorporated community that was united with Bel Air to form the Cresaptown-Bel Air, which is a census-designated place. This area was once a site of a Shawnee Indian village that can be found in the Potomac River. The town’s post office was established back in December 22, 1800. It was named after Thomas Cresap. You can find that Cresaptown is only a few miles from Cumberland, MD. According to the last census, their total population was around 5,884, although this census already includes the population of Bel-Air.
Since this is a small town, most of the health care services come from the nearby city of Cumberland. Examples of nearby health care centers include Tri-State Community Health Center, Children’s Medical Group, Care Ventures Inc., Walk-In Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: jmd41280