The nursing assistant training schools in Coos Bay, Oregon are listed on this page. There are several levels of nursing assistant classes that are being offered in the city. You can call the number provided to get more information about their nurses aide programs, tuition cost, and requirements.
Nurse Assistant Level 1 Training Programs
SW Oregon Community College
1988 Newmark Ave.,
Coos Bay, OR 97420
(541) 888-729
Nurse Assistant Level 2 Training Programs
Bay Area Hospital Nurse Aide Course
1775 Thompson Rd.,
Coos Bay, OR 97420
(541) 269-8111
The primary step in becoming a nursing assistant 1 in the state of Oregon is to look for a CNA 1 training program that is approved by the Board. These programs are offered by several institutions such as community colleges, technical colleges, private training centers, hospitals, and nursing homes. Before you enroll in a program, you must make sure that the program is approved by the Board of Nursing so that you will not have any problems when you apply for the license exams.
Medics that were trained in the military as well as military corpsmen that have a total of 400 hours of work experience within the last 2 years are able to directly apply for the license exams. This is also applicable to nursing graduates who have completed their course within the last 3 years. When applying, both must undergo and pass the federal and state background check for criminal records.
You can get the complete Oregon Nursing Assistant application packet by simply going online and download it from the OSBN website at You can also use the ones that are given to you by your nursing instructor. When completing the application form, you must make sure that the name you enter on the form is your current legal name since on the day of the exam, you will be required to present two IDs to the nursing assistant evaluator. You will need to submit along with the other documents the payment for the exam and the fingerprint processing.
For first time takers, both the written and the skills evaluation exam will cost $106. The fingerprint processing fee cost $52. For those that requested to have an oral exam instead of the written one, an additional $35. Those who are retaking the exam, they will only need to pay for the exam that they are taking. If you need any special considerations when you take the exam, you must inform the Board during the submission of your application.
The license exams in the Oregon are conducted by the Headmaster Testing Company. If you have any questions about the exams, you may call them during working hours from 8 am to 6 pm, Mondays through Fridays at (800) 393-8664.
This city is located in Coos County. You can find the Coos River alongside this city. It is boarded by the city of Northbend. As of the latest census, which was last year, their population has now reached up to 15,967 residents. This city has a total area of 15.9 sq miles and a population density of 1,451.9/sq miles. It is considered the largest city in the Oregon Coast. Coos Bay has a single sister city which is found in Japan.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the city include North Bend Medical Center 541-267-5151, South Coast Orthopaedic Associates PC 541-266-3600, Bay Area Hospital 541-269-8111, Bay Clinic LLP 541-269-0333 , Park Avenue Dermatology Clinic 541-267-7543, Oregon Coast Spine Institute 541-267-4429 , Bay Area Hospital Psychiatric 541-269-5333, South Coast Ear Nose And Throat and Fresenius Medical Care Coos Bay. photo attribution: ufv