The schools offering nurse aide classes located in the city of Collinsville, Illinois that are shown on this page offer the current certification courses that are open for enrollment at this time. To get details about program curriculum, cost of tuition, instruction schedules, or requirements of the license exams, please call the school phone number. If you know of additional training facilities not including on this page, contact us to let us know.
Collinsville Area Vocational Center
2201 South Morrison,
Collinsville, IL 62234
(618) 346-6320
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois is not that hard if you know what the state’s requirements are. Among the different requirements, the most important are the finishing a certified training program and passing the federal and state background checks. Without these two, you will not be able to take the license exams, thus be prevented from practicing as a nursing assistant. Before you enroll in a program, you have to make sure that it is certified by the state. Certified training programs are offered by different institutions across the state and can be completed in a matter of weeks.
The license exams for this state are handled by different institutions. Many of those certified to offer nursing assistant training and also certified to handle the competency exams. The exams for this state are composed of two parts, a written and a knowledge demonstration on the basic competency skills. To pass the exams and get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, you must pass all the tests. Passing the competency exams is a very important step since the state does not allow any nursing assistant whose name is not entered in the registry is not allowed to apply for work as one at any healthcare center. RNs from this state on the other hand may be able to work as a CNA even if their name is not in the registry.
This city can be found in Madison County. Some of its areas fall under St. Clair County. It is situated a few miles from St. Louis, MI. The city is also known as the “Horseracing capital of the world”. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 26,016 people. It has a population density of 1,817.4 / sq mile. Collinsville has a total area of 13.6 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Health care providers that you can avail in the city include AbL Pregnancy Center, Heartland Healthcare Physician Services, AW Healthcare, Sihf Health Center, Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation, Anderson Hospital, Heartland Healthcare, Collinsville Rehab and Health Care Center, Southern Illinois Healthcare Assoc, Chestnut Health Systems, Health Care Horizons Home Health, and St Elizabeth Hospital. photo attribution: codnewsroom