The schools in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina that are open for enrollment of CNA training are listed here. Applicants can find out more about the classes being offered as well as the current requirements by speaking with a representative of the facility.
Sandpiper Rehab & Nursing
1049 Anna Knapp Blvd.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
843-881-3210 or 843-856-6025
The first step in becoming a nursing aide is to look for a suitable training program to enroll in. Proper education and training is always crucial when starting any career, especially when it involves the lives of others. Before you enroll in a program, you must make sure that it is approved by the state’s Department of Health and Human Services.
The training programs in the South Carolina are required to offer 100 hours of training. These hours will be spent in classroom for lectures and in the clinical area for practical training. Even as a student you will already get to experience what it feels like to work as a nursing aide. During your practical training, you will be supervised by certified CNA instructors. Since you are still a student, you will not be allowed to perform procedures that were not taken up in the classroom. Many of the programs take 6-12 weeks to complete.
Once you are through with your training, your next step is to apply for the NNAAP exam. If you pass both portions of the exam, you will become a certified nursing aide. Your name and record will be entered on the Nurse Aide Registry, which you can view by going to
A certified nursing aide is allowed to work in any healthcare facility for a maximum of 2 years. To keep your eligibility to work as a CNA, you must keep your certification current by finding work as a nursing assistant. If you are able to work for at least 8 hours, you will be allowed to renew your certification. There is a renewal fee of $28. For those who are working in a Medicaid nursing facility, their renewal fees will be paid by their employers.
A notice is sent out by Pearson VUE at least 2 months before the expiration of your certification. This notice will also come with the necessary applications for your renewal. To avoid any problems with your listing, you must keep your record on the Registry updates. Please inform Pearson VUE if you changed your name or address by calling (800) 475-8290 or by using the Change of Address or Name Form, which you can download from their site.
Mount Pleasant is a part of Charleston County. This small town is actual a part of the Charleston – North Charleston – Summerville metropolitan area and the Charleston-North Charleston urban area. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 67,843 residents. This town has a total area of approximately 49.5 sq miles and has a population density of 1,136.5/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include G & G Treatment Center, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Balcome, Sharon PhD LMFT LPCS, Greer-Simmons Margaret PHD, Franke at Seaside, Charleston Pediatric Dentistry PA, East Cooper Family Practice, Lifeworks, and Crossland Dental Associate Inc. photo attribution: create-learning