Public school courses conducting certified nursing assistant programs in Eldorado, Illinois are shared on this page. The courses listed here are all the classes available at this time. For more information about enrolling in a training program, just call the phone number below.
Eldorado High School
2200 Illinois Ave.,
Eldorado, IL 62930
(618) 273-2881
The completion of a state-approved training program is one of the most important requirements that you must comply with in order to become a nursing aide. These programs are offered by different educational facilities like technical colleges, healthcare centers, high schools, and community training centers. You should only apply in a program that is approved by the state to ensure that you will be able to take the exams after your training.
In Illinois those who are pursuing a career as a nursing assistant need to receive proper training from an approved school. CNA classes are required to offer at least forty hours of instruction and hands-on study in a nursing care setting. After completing your program you can apply to take the nurse aide exam. The exam will test you in two parts which are a manual skills test, and a written competency exam.
Aside from the completion of an authorized training program, there are also other means to be eligible to apply for the exams. Taking the license exams is a necessary step since the state does not allow any nursing assistant to work or handle any patient if they are not yet certified. If you are a CNA license holder from a different state, you will be able to work here if you apply for reciprocity. The most important things to have when applying are a valid license and a good relationship with your state. Those who are applying for reciprocity are also required to pass the federal and background checks. Those who have taken nursing courses are also allowed to apply provided that they covered the Fundamentals of Nursing during their education and have at least 40 hours of clinical training. If you have trained as a medic in the military, you will also be allowed to apply if you have at least 40 hours of experience.
This city can be found in Saline County. It is a part of the Illinois-Indiana-Kentucky Tri-State Area. Despite the name of the city spelled in Spanish, its real name was actually “Elder-Reado”. The name was taken from the two founders, Judge Samuel Elder and Joseph Read. According to the last census, their total population was around 4,122 people. It has a total area of approximately 2.3 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be around 1,967.8 / sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that are available in the city include Ferrell Hospital, Christopher Rural Health Planning Corp., Eldorado Primary Care, Ferrell Hospital Locust Street Clinic, Eldorado Rural Health Clinic, Beck’s Drugs, Visiting Nurse Association, Ferrell Hospital Senior Care, Harrisburg Medical Center – Eldorado Primary Care, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom