The certified nursing assistant classes in Chandler, Oklahoma that are shown here offer all the OSDH authorized schools that you can enroll in. Before enrolling in a course in this state it is important that you ensure it meets the curriculum requirements and has the approval of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
Chandler Nursing Center
601 West 1st Street,
Chandler, OK 74834
(405) 258-1131
Becoming a CNA in the state of Oklahoma is an easy task if you follow the rules and meet the requirements. If you look at the recent trends in jobs today, you will find that becoming a nursing assistant is one of the best options for those who are looking for ways to enter the medical field. Not only is the training to become one quick and affordable, a nurse aide license is also a great stepping stone to further your career.
First of all, you will need to look for a training program to enroll in. The program must be approved by the state of Oklahoma to ensure that you will be allowed to take the competency exams afterwards. You will find that these programs are offered by different training institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, community training centers, private training institutions, and technical colleges.
You must complete a CNA training program before you can take on the license examinations. You will also have to undergo background checks to see if you have any criminal records that might disqualify you to take the test.
The license exams consist of a written/oral exam and a practical demonstration of randomly selected nursing skills that were taught in the training program. You must pass all the exams in order to get your name on the Nurse Aide Registry and get your license.
Once you become a nursing assistant, you can also aim for a higher certification. For example, you can try to get certified as a medication aide. This process will require you to undergo additional training and testing. If you have enough work experience and a good record, you can climb up the health care ladder and become a CNA II or III.
The increase in demand for nursing assistants has brought other job opportunities in the field of health. For example, because there is an increase in the number of CNA students enrolling each year, the need for CNA instructors has also increased and according to the law, only qualified individuals may become a nursing assistant instructor.
To become a qualified instructor, you must have a minimum of 2 years experience with at least one year in a long-term care facility providing nursing services. You must have completed a training course in teaching adults or have at least some experience with teaching adults or supervising nursing assistants. Other health related professions are also able to grab this chance and become assistant instructors.
If you have any questions and want to gain more information about the great opportunities there are in becoming a nursing assistant, you can contact the NAR at:
Nurse Aide Registry
1000 N.E. 10th St., Room 1111
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
(405) 271-4085
This city is the county seat of Lincoln County. It was named after Judge George Chandler, who was a part of Congress and the commissioner of the general land office in the Washington, D.C. This city is a part of the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area. As of the latest, their total population was around 2,842 people. They have a population density of 389.3/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be 8.2 sq miles, where less than 1 square mile of it is water. You can find this city just east of Oklahoma City and on Interstate 44 and Route 66.
Health care centers that are located in the area include Country Style Health Care, Crouch Family Medicine, Oklahoma Healthcare Solutions – Solutions IX, Red Rock Behavioral Health, Chandler Outreach Clinic, Neer Mark Certified Physicians, Neer Mark Certified Physicians, Wellston Family Medical Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: ufv