Schools that offer nursing assistant programs in Canton, Illinois are listed here. Those in the list are all the health facility and private college non-facility based classes that you can find in the city. For more information about their training classes, please call the phone number below.
Spoon River College
23235 North County Highway 22,
Canton, IL 61520
(309) 647-4645
Nursing assistant training classes that are approved by the state of Illinois provide the way for you to become eligible to take the certification exams. The first step to become a nursing assistant is to select a state certified training program to enroll in. These programs are being offered by different educational facilities like colleges, high schools, and even healthcare centers.
Most of the training programs in the state can be completed within a matter of 24 weeks. Once you finish your classes and apply for the exams, you will need to show several documents like your school transcript showing completion of the program, and the document that shows the number of hours of duty you have done, as well as a background check, and completed application.
The license exam is a necessary step since the state does not allow any nursing assistant to work in a nursing facility if their name is not in the registry. One of the most important requirements when applying is being able to pass the background checks that are done at both federal and state. The license exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. You will need to pass both exams if you want to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Once it is there, you will need to find work as a CNA to maintain this status. RNs from this state are allowed to work even if their name is not on the nurse aide registry.
This city can be located in Fulton County. It was founded in 1825 by Isaac Swan. The city’s name was taken from the Canton in China. Swan named it after the city in China because he thought that the area he settled in was the antipode of Canton, China. Canton is a part of the Canton Micropolitan Statistical Area. This city is the largest city that you can find in the entire county. It has a total population of 18,288 and a population density of 1,947.8 / sq mile. The total area of this city is 8.0 sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include North Central Behavioral Health Systems Inc., Fulton County Health Department, Mental Health Center, Psychologist Special Ed Office, Central Illinois Dermatology SC, Illinois CancerCare, Western Illinois Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Bond Eye Associates, Graham Medical Group, Methodist Health System, and West Central Illinois Special Education MD Programs. photo attribution: usdagov