In the area of Burlington, Washington you can find the nurse aide training faculties shown below. classes will instruct in the proper care of patients by offering hands-on skills experience, classroom theory, and lab instruction.
Burton Care Center
1036 East Victoria Ave.,
Burlington, WA 98233
(360) 755-0711
Enrolling in a state-approved CNA program is the first step in becoming a nurse aide. You can find these programs offered by different healthcare institutions and schools such as nursing homes, community colleges, high schools, vocational and technical schools, rehabilitation homes, government organizations, and private training facilities.
All programs in the state are approved by and monitored by the state’s Department of Social and Health Services. Approved programs are required to offer at least 85 hours of training. These hours consist of 35 hours of classroom instructions and 50 hours of supervised clinical practice. Students will learn about infection control, mental health, communication skills, vital signs, nutrition, basic nursing skills, human anatomy, safety and emergency care, and many more.
Completing an approved program is a necessary step in qualifying for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program. Student nurses and nursing graduates are allowed to apply for the NNAAP exam without the need to complete a CNA program. They just need to provide proof of their education and training to the Nurse Aide Registry before they submit their applications for the NNAAP exam to the NACES.
The NNAAP Exam is divided into two parts – a written exam and a practical skills test. Candidates who have trouble reading English can request to take an oral exam instead of the written examination. Candidates will have a maximum of 2 hours to answer all 70 multiple-choice questions and 25 minutes to perform all 5 randomly selected nursing skills. A candidate’s name will only be entered into the Nurse Aide Registry if he or she is able to pass both tests within 3 attempts.
The Nurse Aide Registry is a list of all individuals who have met the federal and state’s training and testing requirements. Those who are on the NAR are allowed to apply for an NA Certificate that’s issued by the Department of Health. This certificate will prove that you are a competent nurse aide, and are allowed to work in any healthcare facility in the state within one year.
This city is a part of Skagit County. It is also a part of the Mount Vernon–Anacortes, Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area. This city originally began as a logging camp that was established by John P. Millett and William McKay. This city is also known as The Hub City. According to the census of 2010, their total population was 8,388 people. It has a total area of approximately 4.3 sq miles and has a population density of 1,609.8/sq mile.
Examples of health care facilities that are serving the city include Follman Agency, Cascade Health Care, Skagit Adult Day Center, The Burlington Blvd Clinic, Catholic Community Services Northwest, and Home place Special Care Center At Burlington. photo attribution: ufv