The certified nursing assistant training schools in Bronson, Florida that are open for enrollment as of the making of this post are all shown in detail on this page. For more information about signing up for state licensed classes in this town, please call the school number provided below.
Bronson High School
8691 Ne 90Th Street
Bronson, FL 32621
If you are planning on becoming a nursing assistant, then you should know what the different requirements are. First of all, you must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma in order to become one. Your next step is to train in a state-approved CNA program. These program will take your about 6 months to complete, depending on the program you select. In order to complete your training, you must have at least 75 hours of classroom lectures and 100 hours of skills training. You will have the chance to see what it is really like to work in a clinical area. While you are there, you will be under the supervision of a registered nurse.
After you complete your training, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. The license exams for this state are handled by Prometric. Their examinations are composed of two parts, a written and a skills evaluation. To apply you must submit the necessary documents such as your transcript of records, fingerprint cards, ID photo, 2 passport sized photos, the completed application form, and the payment for the different tests such as the background checks. These checks will be done at both federal and state levels. You will not be able to take the exams if you fail these tests. Having records such as theft or violence may affect your chances for the application.
This town is the county seat of Levy County. It has a total population of 964 people during the latest census. it has a total area of approximately 4.0 square miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 241/sq mile.
Health care centers and providers that you can find serving the city include G & G Treatment Center, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Visiting Angels, AVM – Advanced Vehicle Modifications, Professional Medical Transcription Services Inc., Levy County – Emergency, Meridian Behavioral Healthcare Inc., and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed