The nurse aide classes in Astoria, Oregon are all listed for you on this page. The schools offered includes classes that you may enroll in as well as addresses that you can go to get more information on how to become certified to work in health care centers throughout the state.
Clatsop Care Center Nurse Aide Course
646 16th Street, Astoria, OR 97103
[Multiple classes available]
Clatsop Community College
1653 Jerome Ave., Astoria, Oregon 97103
The process of becoming a nursing aide begins by enrolling in a state-approved CNA training program. In the state of Oregon, it is the state’s Board of Nursing that is in charge of approving a program. State programs are required to offer a minimum of 75 hours of classroom lectures and another 75 hours spent for on-the-job training.
The topics that are included in the programs are those that were mandated by the federal government as well as an emphasis on the proper care of geriatric patients. To complete a program, you must also be able to pass the final examination, which is similar to the licensing examination.
By completing a state-approved program, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. Another way of establishing eligibility is by completing training from the military as a corpsman or a medic. Nursing graduates may also apply for the exams if they are able to provide proof of their training and education.
There are two ways for you to apply for the license exam. One option is to schedule for the exam through your nursing instructor. The other option is by completing the application form ( and sending it with the payment for the testing fee and the other requirements to:
Oregon State Board of Nursing
17938 SW Upper Bones Ferry Road
Portland, OR 97224-7012
(971) 673-0685
Fax: (971) 679-0684
The license exams are conducted by the Headmaster Testing Company. When you take the exams for the first time, you will need to pay a total of $106. If you want to take an oral exam instead of a written one, you will have to pay an additional $35. For more information about the exams, you can download a copy of the candidate handbook at:
To get your CNA license and gain entry into the Nurse Aide Registry, you must pass all the tests. After your exam has been double-checked by the scoring team of Headmaster, the notification of your results will be mailed to you. If you want, you can also view the result online.
CNA licenses are only valid for 2 years. If you want to continue your eligibility to work as a nursing aide in the state, you must renew it before it expires. If your license expires, it can no longer be renewed and you will have to retake the license exams again.
Astoria is the county seat for Clatsop County in Oregon. As of the latest census their population has now reached up to 9,477. You can find this city situated near the mouth of the Columbia River. Major roads that you can see near the city are U.S. Route 30 and U.S. Route 101. The city has a population density of 1,539.8/sq miles.
Examples of health care clinics and centers in the city include Urgent Care NW- Astoria (503) 325-0333, CMH Urgent Care, Angel Medical (503) 325-5411, and Columbia Memorial Hospital Women’s Center (503) 338-7595. photo attribution: ufv