The nursing assistant programs in Arcadia, Florida that are shown on this page offer the most recent and up to date state approved school classes that you can take within the city. For more information about enrolling in certification instruction within the city, please call the number for one of the schools below.
DeSoto County High School
1710 East Gibson Street
Arcadia, FL 34266
DeSoto County Nursing Program
310 West Whidden Street,
Arcadia, Florida 34266
(863) 993-1333
There are different requirements that must be met before you can become a nursing assistant. Some of the requirements will take you a few years to meet such as the age limit and possessing a high school diploma. The state of Florida requires that its nurse aides must be at least 18 years old. Some of the requirements however can and must be done during your application. One of the most important requirements is the completion of a CNA training program. Depending on the program you choose, it will take you about 6 months to complete your training. To complete a program, you have to spend at least 75 hours of theoretical lessons and 100 hours of hands-on skills training.
After you can complete the training course, you can then apply for the license examination. The license examinations in this state are conducted by Prometric. Like many states, their exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. Other requirements for this exam include passing the necessary documents like ID photo, fingerprint card, 2 passport sized pictures, transcript of records and the fees for the background checks. You will not be allowed to take the exams if you fail the background checks that are done at federal and state levels. For more information, you can find it at
This city is the county seat of DeSoto County. The town was named after Arcadia Albritton, who was the daughter of Thomas H. and Fannie (Waldron) Albritton, the first settlers in the area. It has a total population of 7,151 during the 2005 census. It has a total area of approximately 4 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 1,651/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers that you can find serving the area include Bowling Green Medical Center, DeSoto County Health Dept., Center For Family Health DeSoto Memorial Hospital, Arcadia Family Health Care Center, Coastal Behavioral Healthcare Inc., Coastal Behavioral Health Care, and Bair Hannah Certified Physicians. photo attribution: carmichaellibrary