If you want to become certified as a nursing assistant in Anderson, South Carolina you can find the school programs located below. If you have any questions about signing-up for their classes or certification requirements, feel free to call the number provided.
NHC – Anderson
PO Box 1327 1501 East Greenville
Anderson, SC 29622
864-226-8356 or 864-261-6480
Richard M. Campbell Veterans Nursing Home
4605 Belton Hwy
Anderson, SC 29621
If you have not yet been certified as a nursing aide, then you will have to take on the NNAAP examinations to get into the South Carolina Nurse Aide Registry. Once your name is added to the Registry, you will officially become a CNA. The state’s Department of Health and Human Services has contracted Pearson VUE to assist with the exams. If you have any questions, you may visit their website at www.peasonvue.com or call them at (800) 475-8290.
The first part of the certification exam is the knowledge portion. In this part, candidates are given the option to take either the written or oral version of the test. The oral version may be taken in either English or Spanish. Regardless of which test, the candidates will be answering a total of 70 multiple-choice questions. They will only be given a maximum of 2 hours to answer all the questions. You can take a self-assessment reading test to determine if you are well enough to take the written exam. This test can be found in the Candidate Handbook, which can be downloaded from the link provided above.
The second part of the exam is the skills evaluation. In this part, you will be given a maximum of 30 minutes to perform all 5 selected nursing skills. Out of the 5, only 4 will be randomly selected since the first skill will always be Hand-washing. To pass this part, you must perform all the procedures satisfactorily. You can find a complete list of the nursing skills, as well as the steps for them in the Candidate Handbook.
If you fail at least one of the tests, you will be given another 2 attempts. You can reapply for the exams after 45 days. During your retake, you will only need to take the test that you failed. All these attempts must also be done within 2 years after completing your training. If you failed to get certified after three attempts or within 2 years, you will be required to complete another program before you can reapply.
If you pass, your name will be added to the NAR. Person VUE will also send your CNA card and Wallet card to your mailing address within 10 days after your name has been added to the Registry> if you wish to check your record, you may go online and visit : https://www.asisvcs.com/services/registry/search_generic.asp?CPCat=0741NURSE.
This is a small town that is a part of both Georgetown and Williamsburg counties. According to the census of 2000, their total population at that time was around 3,068 people. It has a total area of approximately 2.2 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 1,394.4/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the city include DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, G & G Treatment Center, Reynolds Drug Store Inc., Andrews Family Dental Practice, Mcknight-Fraser Funeral Home Inc., Jones Charles B DMD, Smiley John C Jr, Hemingway Chiropractic Clinic, Andrews Medical Center, and many more. photo attribution: create-learning