The nursing assistant training schools in Grand Prairie, Texas that offer programs licensed by the Department of Aging and Disability Services are all shown in the list below. If you know of other listings that are approved and available in this city, you can contact us and we will add them to your site.
Arlington Career Institute – CNA classes
901 Avenue K
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
Program director: Denise Johnson
(972) 647-1607
Fortis Institute
401 East Palace Pkwy, Ste 100
Grand Prairie, Texas 75052
Program director: Mishaun Jackson
(972) 375-0006
Gradual Step Academy
859 Roaring Springs Rd,
Grand Prairie, TX 75054
(866) 324-4005
Teamwork Services
307 East Pioneer Pkwy,
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
(972) 263-7941
Demand for certified nursing assistant still continues to rise today. One reason for this is because of the steady increase in the number of aging people who need help with their daily activities, especially when it comes to their health. Training to become a nursing assistant does not that long, typically several weeks to a couple of months. Because of this, more and more facilities now offer such classes. Currently, the state of Texas and the federal government do not require a high school diploma or GED to become a certified nurse aide.
Before you can become certified you will need to pass a certified course program, submit to a thorough background screening, submit documentation, and pass the registry competency exams. The primary goal of class instruction is to prepare nurse aides for the job and to help them pass the exam. You will receive a variety of theoretical, and skills instruction in a classroom and clinical environment. This will help you learn the knowledge and abilities necessary for the provision of residents of long term care facilities.
Typically a nurse aide works under the general observation of a registered nurse. In the state of Texas nursing assistant trainees are allowed to work on the job under supervision while enrolled in a class for up to four months. However, they must be certified to work and longer. Some of the primary tasks a nurse aide will need to attend to are: demonstrate excellent observation & reporting skills, attend to the psychosocial needs of residents, communicate with patients & families, provide basic care for residents, perform range of motion exercises, measure and record vital signs (blood pressure, respiration, pulse,) be proficient at CPR & Heimlich Maneuver, use proper safety precautions, use effective infection control, help transport residents, postmortem care, housekeeping, assisting with bedpans & toileting, bathing, dressing, nourishment, and catheter care.
Before you enroll, you just have to make certain that the school you select is approved by the state’s Department of Aging and Disability Services. You can check up on the current license of a training facility by calling DADS at 512-438-5495. Currently programs must provide adequate amount of hourly instruction and clinical practice. As of this time this number is 51 hours of classroom/lectures, and 24 hours of clinical training.
Certified nurse aides who have been licensed from another state may be able to apply for reciprocity. This process allows them to go directly to taking the state exams without the necessity of retaking a training course. This process is often available to military trained nurses and those who have gone through a nursing program. To qualify you must come from a state that is in compliance with current state and federal laws and by submitting the required DADS forms & documentation.
When you are through your course and ready your school administrator can help you schedule an appointment to take the certification exams. This exam should be passed within 24 months of the time you took your class. In addition, you can find a location to take the test yourself by calling the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services, or NACES at 1-800-444-5178. The certification exam consists of two parts. These are a multiple choice test and a demonstration test. You are allowed to take each part up to three times in order to pass. Those who can not pass in the allotted amount of tries are required to retake the training course.
Once you pass the exam you receive your certificate in four to six weeks. You are also placed with active status on the Texas nurse aide registry and can work as a CNA for up to 24 months. Generally employers will need you to present your certificate when you are hired. To remain listed as active in good standing you will need to submit employer work verification for each 2 year period. There is an automatic phone center you can use to check your status on the registry at 1-800-452-3934
This city falls under Dallas, Tarrant, and Ellis Counties. It is sometimes simply called as GP or Gun Point. It was first known as Dechman and was named after its founder, Alexander McRae Dechman. It is included in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex. According to the last census, their total population had reached up to a total of 175,396 people, which makes them the 15th most populous city in the state.
Health care providers that are found serving this city include Stellar Health Care Services Inc., Rainbow Children’s Clinic, Bestmed Health Care, First Colonial Health Care Services Inc., Calab Inc., On Time Home Health Services, Lake Prairie Family Health Center, Community Women’s Health Care, Husteron Inc., Shepherd’s Gate Life Changing Center, Upc Health Network, Grand Prairie Dialysis Center, and Lallier’s Home Health Services. photo attribution: codnewsroom