The nursing assistant training centers available in Jacksboro, Texas as of the making of this page are shown here with their contact number and address. To find out more about joining one of these programs, please contact the school listed here.
Jacksboro Health Care Center NATP CNA Course
211 East Jasper St.,
Jacksboro, TX 76458
(940) 567-2686
Completing a CNA training program is one of the requirements in Texas to become a nursing assistant. The program you join must be licensed by the Department of Aging and Disability Services. Before you can enroll you will need to submit documents such as a photo I.D and go through a comprehensive background check. Once enrolled in a course program you will receive instruction in a classroom and clinical skills practice.
After you complete training your school will likely be able to setup a date for you to take the competency examinations. You can also call the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Services from their phone numbers at 1-800-444-5178 or local at (512) 467-0615 to find a test facility. When you take the test you must answer 70 multiple choice problems as well as demonstrate five skills that are picked at random. Each test can be attempted three times. Those who manage to pass in three attempts become listed on the nurse aide registry and are deemed certified for 24 months.
You may not need to take a nurse aide course in texas if you are a graduate nurse or a medic from the military. It can also be waived for those CNA students that have completed a course from a different state but have not yet taken the license examination. For those who quilify they can apply for reciprocity retaking the training course.
Jacksboro is the county seat of Jack County. This city is located at the junction of U.S. Highways 380 and 281. The area was first settled back in the 1850s and was originally known as Mesquiteville. It was renamed in 1858 into its current name in honor of Patrick and William Jack, who were veterans from the Texas Revolution. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 4,511 residents. It has a population density of 778.7/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be about 6.8 sq miles, where only 1 square mile of it is water.
The Jacksboro Clinic, Jacksboro Healthcare Center, Jacksboro Rural Health Clinic, Faith Community Hospital, Jack County Medical Clinic, and Berry Neil M DO are examples of health care providers that can be found in the city area. photo attribution: codnewsroom