The CNA classes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana that are currently being shown on this page offer the most recent Direct Service Registry approved courses that are open for enrollment. Call a school listed here to speak with a program counselor about how to start.
Advance Healthcare Institute
4580 Bluebonnet Boulevard, Suite B, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
(225) 335-4705
Our Lady of the Lake College
7434 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(225) 768-1700
Now may be just the right time to enroll in a certified nurse aide training program if you would like to work as a nursing assistant in the state of Louisiana. The rising and on-going demand for nursing assistants in the state is expected to continue for many more years as the general population lives longer. Enrolling in a state approved training class is a prerequisite before you can become certified to work. These programs are found almost anywhere in the Louisiana. You can see that they are offered by a number of training institutions such as colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers. Class must offer the proper curriculum and amount of hourly instruction to meet state requirements. In total the class you attend must have at least 80 hours of training, which should already include the necessary duties at the clinical area.
Some students may qualify for facilities which offer a free CNA training in the state and this would be ideal if you are lacking the financial resources to finish a training program. After you complete your training, you will be able to apply for the license exams. When you apply, you must be able to submit the application forms along with the needed documents such as the TB test results, fingerprint cards, ID photos, and passport sized pictures.
Once your name is entered in the Registry, you will receive your certification. If you wish to verify your Nurse Aide Certification then all you have to do is to visit Once you open the site, you will see a tab saying Nurse Aide Registry/Direct Service Worker Registry. Enter that option and input your social security number. When you are doing that, you have to make sure that you selected “CNA” and not “DSW”.
Baton Rouge is the capital of the state of Louisiana. It was founded in East Baton Rouge Parish and is considered as the 2nd largest city in the state. This city is also called as Red Stick or The Capital City. It is also located just along the Mississippi River. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 229,553 people. It has a population density of 2,964.7/sq mile. Baton Rouge has a total area of approximately 79.1 sq miles, where 2.2 square miles of it is water.
The Baton Rouge General Medical Center and Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center are two of the biggest employers in the city. This city is served by several clinics and hospitals. Among them are Baton Rouge Clinic, Baton Rouge General Medical Center, Benton Rehabilitation Hospital, Earl K. Long Medical Center, HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, HealthSouth Surgi-Center, Lane Memorial Hospital, and many more.