The nurse aide schools in West Monroe, Louisiana that are currently being shown on this page are all the license instruction courses being offered in the area. If you want to find out more, please call the number below to speak with a course counselor about how to enroll.
Louisiana Technical College
609 Vocational Parkway, West Ouachita Industrial Park,
West Monroe, LA 71292
(318) 397-6100
You can work as a nursing assistant in the state of Louisiana if you receive your CNA certification. You need to enroll first in a state approved training program and finish the course successfully. It is important that you verify if the program has an approved curriculum before you enroll, since not all courses are accepted. The training is composed of both classroom and clinical sessions in order to provide you with the basic skills and knowledge of nursing assistant work. After finishing the course, you may then apply to take the state competency exam and gain your certification. You would need to pass the state and federal criminal background check before your test results can be released.
If you are able to pass all the tests, your name will be automatically entered in Louisiana’s Nurse Aide Registry. Once it is there you will need to maintain that status if you want to continue your work as a nursing assistant. The nurse aide licenses in this state need to be renewed every two years. To be able to do so, you must have worked for at least 8 hours with pay under the supervision of a registered nurse. You also have to work in an approved setting like a nursing home, hospitals, personal care attendant agencies, hospice centers, and adult day health care programs. You can check your license status at any time by visiting this web page: In addition you can get answers to questions you may have by calling the Program Manager, Shirley Smith, at (225) 342-5779.
This city is located in Ouachita Parish. It is included in the Monroe Metropolitan Statistical Area. You can find this city near the Ouachita River. Monroe and West Monroe are often called as he Twin Cities of northeast Louisiana. According to the census of 2000, the total population of the area was around 13,250 people. They have a population density of 1,717.2 / sq mile. The total area of this city is estimated to be around 8.0 sq miles, where only 0.2 square miles of it is water.
Examples of health care centers that are currently being offered in the area include Pathways Counseling Service, Family Care Services Inc., Interim Healthcare Staffing, Guardians for Angels, Cintas Facility Services of Monroe, LA, United Health Care Group, Glenwood Behavior Health Unit, Healthcare Warehouse Pharmacy, STD Test Express, Northeast Louisiana Cancer Institute, Family Convenience Clinic, Barker Healthcare Products, and many more.