The institutions offering nurse aide programs in Rockport, Indiana that are currently open for you to enroll in are shown in detail on this page. Included in the list are all private colleges, community colleges, high schools, and health facility training centers that are available and approved by the ISDH Registry. Call a school listed here to learn more.
Miller’s Merry Manor
815 West Washington Street,
Rockport, IN 47635
(812) 649-2276
Become a nursing aide in Indiana can be an excellent career path to help get your foot in the door to the medical profession. Many people who choose this occupation go on to become registered nurses or physician assistants which can be very rewarding. The first step that you will need to do to get started is to find a training program to enroll in. It is very important that you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. You should be well equipped in both knowledge and skill before you handle any patient.
The program must offer CNA classes that provide the proper amount of instruction mandated by the state. You will also be required to complete a set of hours which are 30 hours of lectures and course work and 30 hours of fundamental skill duties. When you go to the clinical area for your duties, you will be under the supervision of a registered nurse or another member of the healthcare team. You will have your training at either a hospital or a nursing home. In addition you will need to consent to a criminal records check and a physical exam as well as submit an testing fee and completed application.
After you complete the training program, which will take you less than 6 months to complete, you can then proceed and take on the license exams. The final exams for certification in Indiana are handled by the Ivy Tech Community College. It is very important that you are able to pass the exams to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Only those whose names are in the registry will be allowed to work in a nursing home.
Rockport is the county seat of Spencer County. You can find it within Ohio Township and is just along the Ohio River. It is also a few miles east of Evansville and can be accessed using the State Highway 66. Tell City is also a few miles east from this city. According to the last census, they had a total population of 2,160 residents. The population density of this city is estimated to be around 1,843.6/sq miles. It has a total area of approximately 1.60 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
Health care centers and providers that you can find serving this city include McGinnis Lloyd P MD, Martin Susan M MD, Reo Family Practice Center, McClure Larry T MD, Bond Robert MD, Rockport Family Medicine, Calhoun Kenneth D MD, WIC Pike-Warrick Program, Primary Physician Network, and Deaconess Clinic. photo attribution: hollyberrie05