The facilities providing nursing assistant classes in Mooresville, Indiana that are listed here include all of the colleges, high schools and health care training centers that are located in the area. For more information, just call one of the programs listed below.
Miller’s Merry Manor
259 West Harrison Street, Mooresville, IN 46158
(317) 831-6272
There are several ways for you to become a nursing assistant. One of the easiest ways for you to do so is to enroll in CNA classes. To ensure that you will be eligible to apply for the license tests once you complete your training, you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the state. These programs are required to offer the students at least 105 training hours. Depending on the program’s schedule, it can take you up to 6 months to complete your training. Those who enrolled in other nursing programs such as LPNs or RNs may also apply for the tests if they meet the minimum requirement. To become eligible, they should also be able to learn the concepts of the Fundamentals of Nursing and have a total of 105 training hours, which should already include 75 hours of clinical duties and at least 30 hours of lectures. Your clinical practice is conducted in a nursing facility, nursing home or a hospital setting to give you hands-on skills training using common tasks necessary for the job.
After completing your schooling you will be given an exam to test you on your education. It will be made up of two parts, an oral, or written and a practical written competency test. The license tests are made up of a written and a skills evaluation. There are also occasions where the written exams are replaced with an oral exam. To get your name entered in the Registry, you should be able to pass all the tests. For more information, you can follow this link:
This town can be found in the Township of Brown. Both it and the township is a part of Morgan County. The town was founded back in 1824 by Samuel Moore, who was a Quaker from North Carolina. The name of the town was taken from its founder. The town is sometimes called by the locals as the “Home of the State Flag”. According to the 2010 census, their total population was around 9,326 people. It has a total area of approximately 6.34 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
The St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville is the main health care provider that is serving this town. The hospital was once known as Kendrick Hospital. Other health care centers that are located in the town include A Tc Health Care Services, Mooresville After Hours Clinics, Indiana Heart Physicians, American Health Network, Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Rheumatology Center of Mooresville, and St. Francis Spine Specialists. photo attribution: mar52laine