The authorized nursing assistant schools that are available in Jasper, Indiana are listed here. Call the facility to speak with a course director to receive additional information if you have any questions about their enrolling in their training programs, and becoming eligible to take the certification exams.
Good Samaritan Society Northwood Retirement Community
2515 Newton Street,
Jasper, IN 47547
(812) 482-1722
St. Charles Health Campus
3150 St. Charles Street,
Jasper, IN 47546
(812) 634-6570
Vincennes University Jasper Campus
850 College Avenue,
Jasper, IN 47546
(812) 481-5909
The Waters of Jasper
2909 Howard Drive,
Jasper, IN 47546
(812) 482-6161
Before you enter the medical field, as a nursing assistant, you should know that this job is best suited for those who love to take care of patients without thinking so much about the financial rewards. Nursing assistants take care of residents according to their facilities care plans. They also report to other members such as nurses or physicians if they notice any chances in the residents’ status. Aside from take care of the residents, they are also expected to communicate and help out with the family and the other members of the healthcare team.
Before you are allowed to handle any patient, you are first required to enroll in a state-approved CNA program for your training. Your training will be composed of classroom lectures, skills training on the basic nursing skills, and clinical experiences. According to the state rules, you should not have less than 75 hours of clinical duties when you complete your training. If you have any questions about the curriculum required to become eligible to take the certification exams you can call the Training Department of the Indiana State Department of Health at 317-233-7616.
By completing the training program, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. If you pass both the written exams and the skills evaluation, your name will automatically be entered in the state’s nurse aide registry. You will need to maintain this status to be eligible for work in a healthcare facility. For more information about the exams, you can call the Ivy Tech Community College at 317-917-5948.
Jasper is the county seat of Dubois County. This city is located in the southwestern part of the state. Oftentimes, Jasper has been called as the “Wood Capital of the World”, due to the large number of furniture companies there. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 15,038 people. It has a population density of 1,312/sq mile. Jasper has a total area of approximately 13.20 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
Health care providers that are found in Jasper, IN includes Tri-State Health Services Billing, First Steps, Mental Health Center, St Charles Health Campus, Urgent Care of Martin County, and Southern Hills Counseling Center Inc. photo attribution: codnewsroom