Training programs in Evanston, Illinois that are currently being shown are all of the certified nursing assistant classes that you can enroll in right now. For more information about program curriculum, classroom schedules, tuition fees, or certification requirements, please call the training facility number below.
Omega Healthcare Technical School
1719 Howard Street,
Evanston, IL 60202
(847) 425-9089
The Presbyterian Home
3200 Grant Street,
Evanston, IL 60201
(877) 348-3287
One way to become a nursing assistant in Illinois is to enroll in a nursing assistant training course. These courses are found all over the state. They will train and educate you on all the things that you will need to know in taking care of a patient. It is very important that the quality of care that the patients receive is good. That is why you should only train in a course that is approved by the state.
According to the state rules, you have to be at least 16 years old to be enrolled in one. As a nursing assistant student, you will be spending most of your time in classroom lectures and clinical skills training. State approved courses are required by the state to offer a minimum of 40 hours of training. Even as a student, you will already be exposed to the clinical area while being under the supervision of a registered nurse. Classes will prepare the nursing assistant on the skills needs for the job and offer hands-on contact in a health care setting. Depending on the course’s schedules, you can complete your training within 6 months.
Once you are through with your training, your next step is to apply for the nurse aide competency exams. You will need to submit the application forms along with the needed documents such as fingerprint cards, ID photo, and the payment for the exam fees. You will also need to pass the background checks in order to proceed and take the exams. If you are a military graduate with several courses on the basics of nursing care, then you can still become a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois by taking applying for reciprocity to take the license examination. But before you can take the exam, you must show your experience and records. Contact a customer service representative of the state registry by calling 217-785-5133 to find out additional important information.
This city is a suburban municipality in Cook County. You can find this city a few miles north of downtown Chicago. Evanston is bordered by Chicago, Skokie, and Wilmette. The city was named after one of its founders, John Evans. The city is sometimes called as E-Town. According to the census of 2003, their total population was around 74,360 people. It has a total area of approximately 7.8 sq miles, where all of it is land. Their population density is estimated to be around 9,500/sq mile.
The Evanston Hospital and the St. Francis Hospital are the two main hospitals that are serving this city. Aside from that the North Shore University Health System, where Evanston Hospital belongs to, and St. Francis Hospital are two of the largest employers in the city. Other health care centers that you can find there include Five Phase Wellness Center, Premier Dental Care, Vision Surgeons And Consultants Aesthetics Plus, MidWest Center for Women’s Healthcare, and many more. photo attribution: murraystateuniversity