The programs located in Vandalia, Illinois being offered below are all the nursing assistant classes that are available for enrollment as of the making of this post. Call the school to get the latest enrollment dates, class curriculum, and cost of tuition.
Okaw Area Vocational Center
1109 North 8th Street,
Vandalia, IL 62471
(618) 283-5150
If you want to become a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois, you have to enroll first in CNA classes. According to the state rules, any aspiring nursing assistant must learn the basic nursing skills and the fundamentals of nursing from a state-approved training program. Nurse aide programs are offered by are found all over the state and are being offered by different institutions like community colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers.
You must be at least 16 years old to be accepted in such programs. When you enroll in a state-approved program, you will be spending your hours in both classroom lessons and skills training. In order to graduate from a program, you must have at least 40 hours of training. It is very important that when you graduate from your training, you will be well equipped to handled different situations as well as meet the hiring requirements of healthcare facilities.
Once you complete your training, you can then apply for the state’s competency exams. If you pass all the exams, your name will be entered in the state’s online registry. You need to maintain this status if you wish to become eligible for work. Unlike other states, certification statuses do not expire in this state if you had worked anytime within 24 consecutive months.
Vandalia is the county seat of Fayette County. You can find this city a few miles northeast from St. Louis. It is located on the Kaskaskia River. Vandalia used to be the state capital of Illinois back from 1819 up to 1839. The city was founded in 1819. The origins of the city’s name are not clear as different theories could be found in different books. According to the census of 2000, their total population was around 6,975 people. It has a population density of 1,231.3 / sq mile. The total area of this city is approximately 5.7 sq miles.
Examples of health care providers that you can find serving this city include Vandalia Healthcare Center, Southern IL Health Care Center, Ryan Raymond MD, Dossett Brian MD, Daas Maher MD, and Confidence Medical Assoc LTD. photo attribution: usdagov