Training programs for nurse aides in Marengo, Illinois that are open for enrollment are listed on this page. If you have any questions about their certified nursing assistant training programs, the cost to get instruction, or program requirements, just call the number shown below each program.
Marengo Community High School
110 Franks Road,
Marengo, IL 60152
(815) 568-6511
All aspiring nursing assistants are required to undergo proper education and training by enrolling in a state-approved training program. This is one of the ways for you to become eligible to apply for the license exams. Another way is to enroll in a nursing course. When you choose this method, all you have to do is to have at least 40 hours of clinical experience and cover the Fundamentals of Nursing during your education. This will probably take you one semester to cover these requirements. CNA classes should include hands-on practical experience in a nursing environment.
Once you complete your training, the next big step is to pass the license exams. These exams are composed of two parts, a written and a skills evaluation exam. You will need to pass all the exams in order to get your name entered in the registry. Out of all the nursing skills that you learned, only a selected few will be asked to be performed and you will perform those skills in front of a Nurse Aide Evaluator. In the event that you fail the examination, you may retake it up to three times without the need for a refresher course. Only nurse aides whose names are active in a registry will be allowed to work in the state. RNs on the other hand are allowed to work as nursing assistants even if their names are not in the Nurse Aide Registry; this is provided that their license is still valid and that they come from Illinois.
This city is a part of McHenry County. Established in 1835, this town was originally known as Pleasant Grove. This city has a total area of approximately 4.0 sq miles, where all of it is land. Major highways that you can access to get to this city include Grant Highway, State Street, and Telegraph Street. According to the last census that was taken there, their total population was around 6,355 people. Its population density is estimated to be around 1,598.5 / sq mile.
Health care facilities that you can find located in the city include OSF Medical Group-Marengo, Bethesda Lutheran Homes, Swedish American Medical Group/Marengo, Child Assessment Service Family Care, Marengo Clinic, Sports Physical Therapy & Rehab Specialists, Quality Renal Care, and Affiliated Ear Nose & Throat Physicians LTD. photo attribution: codnewsroom