The college nursing assistant programs in Carterville, Illinois that are shown on this page provide the current classes that are state approved that you can enroll in. For more information about signing up for a course, please call the number provided.
John A Logan College -W. Frankfort Site
700 Logan College Rd.,
Carterville, IL 62918
(618) 985-2828
If you are looking for a way to enter the medical field, then you should consider becoming a nursing aide. It is one of the best options you have right now. Compared to other courses, this way is much faster and less costly. Depending on the program you enroll in, it will take you an average of 24 weeks, or less, to complete your training. The training programs on this state are offered by different institutions like colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers.Many of those who graduate a program go on to become nurses, and physician assistants.
When you are still selecting for a program to enroll in, you should keep in mind to select only a program that is approved by the state. This is to ensure that you will be allowed to apply for the license exams after your training. Nursing assistant students must attend forty hours of hands-on training on how to use the basics of nursing care in attending their patients. It is crucial that when you complete your training, you will be able to meet the hiring requirements of different healthcare centers.
When you apply for the license exams, you will need to submit the completed application form along with the necessary documents. You can get a copy of the appropriate forms by downloading it at Examples of the documents that you will need to submit include ID card, passport sized pictures, and payment for the different fees.The examination itself contains two parts which must each be passed in order to qualify for certification. Currently applicants must complete a written and a demonstration test to receive active status in the nurse aide registry. Call 217-785-5133 to speak with a registry representative to learn more about the current requirements to be eligible.
This city is a part of Williamson County. You can find Carterville in between Carbondale and Marion. It is included in the Carbondale-Marion combined statistical area. The city was founded by George M. McNeill and Laban Carter. Its name was taken from the latter founder. According to the last census, their total population was around 5,496 people. It has a population density of 1,061.8 people per square mile.
Health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Shawnee Health, Sandford Jack MD, Shawnee Health Service, Snyder Erich DR, Martin Todd DR, Carterville Family Practice Center, Southern Illinois Cancer Center, Wachter James MD, Nanni Frederica MD, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom