The colleges and health care facilities offering CNA training programs in Skokie, Illinois that are shown on this page are all the instruction courses that you can enroll in at this time. For more information about how to sign-up, the cost of their training, class schedules, or certification requirements, please call the school phone number below.
Health Career Institute
8001 Lincoln Ave,
Skokie, IL 60077
Oakton Community College
7701 North Lincoln Ave.,
Skokie, IL 60076
(847) 635-1404
More and more people are thinking of entering the medical field as a nursing assistant. This type of job is one of the most sought after professions in the medical field nowadays. It is best suited for those who love to take care of other people without looking for a large financial return. Compared to other courses, you can before a nursing assistant in a matter of a few weeks. Most of the training programs here can be completed within 6 months.
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to choose a nurse aide program to enroll in. Before you select, you should make certain that the program is approved by the state. You also have the option of enrolling in a nursing course like RNs or LPNs. The important thing is that you must learn the different concepts in the Fundamentals of Nursing and meet the state’s required number of training hours. Currently courses are required to have completed forty hours of practical health care skills training in order to qualify to take the exam.
After you graduate from the training program, you can then send in your completed application form. You must also send in documents like fingerprint cards, ID photo, immunization records, passport size pictures, as well as the payment for the different exam fees. For more information, you can follow this link: Once you have finished your training and met the other requirements you can schedule a time to take the exams. If you come from another state or country, and have completed a nurses aide training course you can apply for reciprocity so that you can work there. The great thing about being a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois is that if you have worked anytime within the span of two consecutive years, your license won’t expire.
This is a village that is in Cook County. It is a Chicago suburb that calls itself as “The World’s Largest Village”. The name of the city was derived from a Native American word that means “fire”. Back when it was still starting out, it was originally known as Niles Center. According to the last census that was taken there, their total population was around 66,559 people. It has a population density of an estimated 6,600/sq mile. Its total area is approximately 10.1 sq mile, where all of it is land.
The Skokie Hospital, Evanston Northwestern Health Care, and Pfizer are three of the largest employers in the city, where Pfizer ranks number one. Other health care centers that are available in the city include Suburban Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists, Ltd., Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center, Suburban Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists, Ltd., Senior Healthcare Management, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom