The certified nursing assistant schools with courses being offered in Morris, Illinois are all of the available classes as of the making of this post. For more information about training, cost of tuition, or program curriculum requirements, call the school phone number below.
Grundy Area Vocational Center
1002 Union Street,
Morris, IL 60450
(815) 942-4390
Joliet Jr. College at Grundy County Center
1715 North Division,
Morris, IL 60450
(815) 942-1552
In order for you to become a nursing assistant, you must be able to complete a CNA training program. These programs are offered by colleges, high schools, community training centers, and certain healthcare facilities. When you choose a program to enroll in, you should make sure that it is approved by the state. Most of the training programs found in the area can be completed from 2 to 6 months. These programs offer a total of 40 hours of training, which will be divided into lectures and clinical skills training.
The completion of a training program will make you eligible to apply for the state’s competency exams. Aside from enrolling in a CNA program, you can also become eligible if you enrolled in a nursing course. What is important is that you have covered the fundamentals of nursing and meet the required training hours. If you are a medic that was trained by the military, you may also apply for the exams provided that you can show a proof of your training and had 40 hours of experience as a medic.
Taking on the competency exams is a necessary step in becoming a nursing assistant since only those whose name is on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry will be allowed to work as a nursing assistant. Nursing assistants from other states are also welcome to work here if they apply for reciprocity. For more information about the requirements for reciprocity, you can visit this link: call 217-785-5133 to find out more.
This city can be found in Grundy County. It is one of the historical towns in Illinois that is still intact. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 13,636 residents. It has a total area of approximately 7.2 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density was estimated to be around 1,734.0 / sq mile.
Examples of health care providers and centers that are situated in the city include Willareth – Wilkinson Clinic Of Chiropractic, Hedges Clinic, SC, Immediate Care of Morris Hospital, Cardinal Sleep Centers, Renaissance Home Health Service Inc., Diagnostic & Rehabilitative Center of Morris Hospital, Renal Care Group Hemodialysis Clinic, Digestive Health Associates, and many more. If you know other certification training programs that are available in Morris, please contact us and we will add them to the page. photo attribution: codnewsroom