The certified nursing assistant training being offered by schools in Chicago Heights, Illinois that are currently open as of the moment are listed on this page. Those included in the list are all certification programs that are approved by the state of Illinois. Contact the schools listed below to get class tuition rates, program curriculum, training schedules and certification requirements.
Excelsior Health Care Academy
523 South Halsted St.
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
(773) 297-2417
Interdependent Living Solutions Center
193 West Joe Orr Rd,
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
(708) 754-4900
Prairie State College
202 South Halsted Street,
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
(708) 709-3500
The need for certified nursing assistants is continuing to increase as more and more people in the U.S age and have additional health care needs. Nursing assistants help their patients by performing the most basic nursing skills. In order to become a nursing assistant in the state of Illinois, you have to enroll in a training program that is approved by the state. The CNA training programs in this state can are offered by different institutions like colleges, community training centers, and even high schools. The state requires that those who enroll in these programs should be at least 16 years of age. In order to be sure that you will be able to apply for the state’s competency exams, you should only enroll in programs that are certified by the state.
Those who have enrolled in nursing courses lie LPNs are also allowed to apply for the exams since their training are similar to those that are offered in nurse aide programs. If you are a medic that was trained in the military, you are also allowed to apply provided that you have at least 40 hours of experience as a medic and can provide proof of your training. Taking on the license exams is an important step in becoming a nursing assistant since the state does not allow any nursing assistant whose name is not entered in the state’s registry to work in a healthcare setting. RNs from the state on the other hand are allowed to work as nursing assistants even if their name is not in the registry.
Chicago Heights is a part of Cook County. Although the earliest settlers in the area came around 1833, they did not stay there long. The first permanent settlers came on a much later time. They were Adam and Phoebe Brown. It was only in 1835 that the town was established and was called Thorn Grove. The city’s total population is around 30,276 people. It has a population density of 3,424.4 per square mile. The city has a total area of approximately 9.6 square miles.
The St. James Hospital is the main hospital that is serving this city. Other health care centers that you can find in the city include Family Health Society, Medina Health Care, St. James Home Care Services, Southwest Disabilities Service and Support, Proficient Health Care Services, Woodson Center for Adult Healthcare, Boulevard Medical Clinic, and North Central Dialysis Center. photo attribution: codnewsroom