The facilities enrolling for nursing assistant programs in Homewood, Illinois that are listed in detail on this page are all the certification classes that are being offered as of the making of this post. Contact the school directly through their phone number to get details about how to enroll in their training course.
Elim Outreach
1820 Ridge Rd., Homewood, IL 60430
(708) 922-9547
Your first task in becoming a nursing assistant is to enroll in a state-approved training program. This is one way to ensure that you will become eligible to apply for the exams after you complete your training. Depending on the program that you enroll in, it will take you an average of 2 to 6 months to finish a program. You can find on this page the programs that are found in the area. These programs are offered by different educational facilities such as community training centers and technical colleges. You have to be at least 16 years old to enroll in a program.
If you have enrolled in a nursing course like LPNs, you will also be able to apply for the exams. The important thing is that you have learned the different concepts of the Fundamentals of Nursing and had at least 40 hours of clinical skills training. Medics trained in the military with a minimum of 40 hours of experience can also apply for the exams.
The license exams for this state have two parts. In order to pass the license exams, you must pass both the written and the skills demonstration exam. You can take the examination up to 3 times without any retraining courses. Once you pass the exams, your name will be entered in the state’s online registry of nursing assistants. Keep note that this state no longer issues any licenses or certificates upon passing the exams.
This village is a part of Cook County. It is one of the suburbs that is located in the Chicago Metropolitan area. You can find this village situated on the Calumet Shoreline. The earliest settlers came to the area around 1834. The town officially began in 1839 and was originally known as Hartford. According to the latest census that was taken, their total population had reached up to a total of 19,543 people. It has a total area of 5.3 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 3,755.5 / sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can avail in the city are Hedges Clinic, SC, Total Health Home Care Services Inc., Addus Health Care, Homewood Pediatric Associates, Homewood Family Care Center, Farrell Karen E Psychologist, Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Medical Gas Monitoring, St James Community Health Center of Homewood, and Abundant Home Health Services. photo attribution: codnewsroom