The certified nursing assistant training schools that offer instruction in Harrison, Arkansas are shown on this page. If you have any questions about signing up for one of these programs, please call the school phone number below.
North Arkansas College
1515 Pioneer Drive,
Harrison, Arkansas 72601
(870) 743-3000 or (870) 423-4455
Petra Allied Health
702 N. Main Street, Suite 1-A
Harrison, AR 72601
(479) 248-2081
Enrolling in a CNA training program is mandatory for you to become a certified nursing assistant within the state of Arkansas. After completing the required training in the classroom (75 hours) and experience in a health care setting (100 hours), you can apply to take the certification examination in order to be a licensed nursing assistant.
The tests include a written and a demonstration exam. They are conducted by the Prometric company and both need to be successfully passed before you can be officially certified and eligible to be hired. After passing, your nurse aide license will be valid for the next 2 years. You can contact Prometric at 800-818-8917 to learn more about how to become certified and schedule an exam date.
This city is the county seat of Boone County in Arkansas. It was platted back in 1869 and got its named after L. LaRue Harrison, who was a Union officer. This city is a primary city of the Harrison Micropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 12,943 people. It has a total area of approximately 10.2 sq miles, where all of it is land, and a population density of 1,191.4/sq mile.
Health care facilities that you can find in the area include Vista Health, Omnicare Cr Inc., Medical Clinic Mission, Arkansas Counseling, Leslie Clinic PA, Harrison Urology Clinic PA, Cornerstone Medical Clinic, Integrity Health Centers, Main Street Medical Clinic, Arkansas Orthopedics & Sports Medicine PA, Cintas Facility Services of Harrison, AR, Coats Chiropractic Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: abbeyfieldkent