The nursing assistant schools in Post Falls, Idaho that are offering courses that are open to enroll in are listed on this page. Completing a certification training program is required before one can take the license exams. Call the facility to learn more about how you can qualify.
North Idaho College Workforce Training Center
525 South Clearwater Loop
Post Falls, ID
(208) 769-3333
Passing the nursing assistant license exams is the only way for you to get a license and become a certified nurse aide. Before you are allowed to take on the license exams, you must first become eligible to apply for it by enrolling in and completing a CNA program that is certified by the state. Next thing that you must ensure when applying is that you pass the federal and state background checks. You can then try to apply for a license exam with the submission of a completed application, fee, fingerprint card, background check and class transcripts.
The first part of their exams is the written exam. In this part, you will be given 90 minutes to answer all 60 questions. These questions will be multiple-choice and will be based on three different domains. The topics for the exams will cover the promotion of safety, roles of a nursing aide, and the promotion of functioning and health of the patient/resident. There are also pretest questions that are included in the exams. These questions will not be scored since they were placed there for statistical purposes. In the second part, you will be given a simple scenario where you will have to perform five randomly selected nursing skills in front of a Nurse Aide Evaluator. There will be some cases where the evaluator will also play a role in the scenario as either a patient or a physician. You must perform all skills correctly to pass this exam.
This city is a part of Kootenai County. You can find it in the northern part of Idaho. It is situated in between Coeur d’Alene and Spokane in Washington. The name of the city was taken from Frederick Post, who was a German immigrant who made a lumber mill in the area. It was founded back in 1871. With a total population of 27,574 during the 2010 census, it is the 10th most populous city in the county.
Health care centers and facilities that you can find in the area include Orthopedic Surgery, North Idaho Medical Care Center, After Hours Urgent Care Clinic, Colbert Dana Doctor of Osteopathi, Kootenai Outpatient Imaging, Family Healthcare of Post Falls, Alpha Health Services Inc., Emerald Counseling, Sentinel Healthcare Systems Inc., Fresenius Medical Care, Kootenai Urgent Care, Northwest Plant Health Care Inc., and Ernest Healthcare. photo attribution: ufv