The nursing assistant classes in Pocatello, Idaho that are currently open for enrollment are displayed on this page. If you have any inquiries about the programs being offered, feel free to call the school number provided below.
Idaho State University
921 S 7th Ave
Pocatello, Idaho 83209
(208) 282-3372
If you are planning on entering the medical field, you should consider on becoming a nursing aide. This type of profession has a very high demand in different healthcare facilities. One of the benefits of selecting this career is that is does not take that long to graduate from the training programs. Most of the programs offered in this state can be completed within 2 to 6 months of continuous training. When you are selecting a program, you should only enroll in programs that are certified by the state to be allowed to apply for the license exams after your training.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be offered by programs a minimum of 120 hours of training. These hours will be divided into 80 hours of lectures on the fundamentals of nursing and 40 hours of clinical training, which will already include skills training and clinical duties. When you are in the clinical area, you will be under the care of a registered nurse or another member of the healthcare team. You will also need to send in proof of valid identification, fingerprint card, consent to a background check, and proof of immunizations, and your school transcripts in order to schedule an exam date.
The license exams in this state are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. To get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, you must be able to pass all the exams. You cannot work in Idaho as a nursing assistant if you do not have a CNA license.
This is the county seat of Bannock County. A small part of the city falls in Power County. This city is considered and the largest city in the county and the 5th in the entire state. It is also a main city of the Pocatello metropolitan area. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 54,255 people. It has a total area of about 28.2 sq miles and has a population density of 1,924/sq mile. The city was nicknamed as US Smile Capital and The Gate City.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Physicians Immediate Care Center, InterMountain Medical Clinic, Community Care, Endobiogenic Integrative Med Center, Portneuf Medical Center, Rocky Mountain Surgery Center, West Family Medicine, Physicians Immediate Care Center, Pocatello Children’s Clinic, Idaho Orthopedic And Sports Clinic, and Pocatello Womens Health Clinic. photo attribution: ufv