The CNA Classes in Lakeland, Florida that are shown on this page offer the most up to date , state licensed programs that you can enroll in as of the moment. Contact a school from the list below to get additional information about the cost of enrolling in a training program, curriculum requirements, and receive class schedules.
Elite Health Care Institute, Inc.
5269 S. Florida Ave.
Lakeland, FL 33813
Traviss Career Center
3225 Winter Lake Rd
Lakeland, FL 33803
All aspiring nursing assistant students must take on the license exams to find work in this state. The state will not allow you to work as a nursing assistant if you do not have a license. To get one, your name must be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry by passing the license exams. There are different requirements that must be met before you will be eligible for the exams. One requirement is that you must finish a state-approved CNA training course. These courses usually take about 6 months to complete. To be accepted in a training program, you must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma.
If you are approved to take the exams, your first challenge will be the written examination. In this part you will be given 90 minutes to answer all the 60 questions. All of the questions will be multiple-choice questions. The topics for this exam will focus on three domains which are the different roles of a nurse aide, the promotion of safety, and the promotion of function and health of the patient. The second part is the skills demonstration exam. You will be given a simple scenario where you will perform 5 randomly selected nursing procedures. There will be a nurse aide evaluator present to see if you have done them satisfactorily. You must do all the procedures properly to pass this exam. Examples of the procedures include hand washing, performing bed bath, vital signs taking, and other basic nursing care skills.
This city can be found in Polk County. It is situated midway between Tampa and Orlando. It is a part of the Lakeland-Winter Haven, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2008, their total population had reached up to 94,406 people. It has a total area of approximately 74.4 sq miles and has a population density of 1,711/sq mile.
Health care providers that you can find in the area include Coastal Mental Health Center, Schwartz Pamela D Doctor of Osteopathi, Lakeside Medical Centers, Lakeland Surgical, Wedgewood Healthcare Center, Central Florida Surgi-Center, Seasons within Counseling, LLC, Institute of Spanish Communications, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed