The nurse aide training in Fernandina Beach, Florida that you can find on this page offer the most recent programs you can enroll in. Call the school phone number that is listed below to get additional details about the cost of classroom instruction and course requirements.
Fernandina Beach High School
435 Citrona Drive,
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
(904) 261-5713
A nurse aide certification is necessary to find work as a nurse aide in this state. In order to get one, you have to get your name in the state’s Nurse Aide registry by passing the competency exams. The competency examinations for this state are being handled by Prometric. Their exams have two parts, a written and a skills evaluation. To get your license, you must pass both parts.
You can also have an oral examination instead of a written exam if you prefer it, by sending a letter of request along with the other documents during your application. Before you can take the exams, you must complete the different prerequisite. Among them, the most important are the completion of a training program that is approved by the state and passing the background checks that is done at both federal and state levels.
If you are a current holder of a CNA certification that was issued from a different state, you will no longer be required to take this state’s license exams when you apply for reciprocity. When you apply, you must have an active license. You will also need to submit a copy of your certification, exam results, and the results for you background checks. Records such as negligence, malpractice, or patient abuse, may ban you from practicing in this state.
This city is the county seat of Nassau County. It is situated in Amelia Island. This city was first inhabited by the Timucuan Indian tribe. It is also known as the “Isle of 8 Flags”. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 11,487 people. It has a total area of approximately 10.7 sq miles, and has a population density of 1,073.6/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Express Document Service Inc., Clinical Resources Services, LLC, First Coast Oncology Nassau, Amelia Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine, 2nd To None Massage, Consolidated Laboratory, Quest Diagnostics, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed